The Neopian Times Week 114 > Editorial |
Editorial How come it say the Golden Kougra Sling Shot is released but I never seen anyone have it, theres
none in shops, TP, or auctions why is that? - Rufio_punk_kid
I found a neopets puzzle in Target. Wht isn't it on the merchandise list? Is it rare or something? - Mfey I thought the recent space weaponry upgrade was totally cool. Will there be more space upgrades? - 900427 How come there are only 2 Lenny shopkeepers and no Lenny fun images? Do I really have to wait until Lenny Day in
February to get some more Lenny stuff? - Lauren3742 How do you get virtual Neopets TCG cards? - Task100 Snowbunnies were an Advent Calendar Prize in year 4 , and they have turned out to be one of the most sought-after
petpets. Could you do something like that again, only not Snowbunnies? - Trilina
![]() ![]() ![]() What is the point to the stinky old rubbish dump? It would bother me if I lived in Meridell....all there
is me to understand =) - Celebrategoodtimes Two questions about Eliv Thade: 1. Is Eliv Thade his given name, or just a pen name?
2. Is his name an anagram for Evil Death or Evil Hated? My mom and I can't agree on this!:-)
- Beatriceportinari You will accidentally discard an Aisha plushie in Neopia Central. This has been his fortune for most people since before
that thing called the Mystery Island Plot. Did the volcano get stuck on his cards? - Crowneddrake
![]() How come the Poetry Contest doesn't award a trophy? It seems that every other contest or thing that you can submit you
work to gives a trophy. - Applepie127
I freed the Techo Master in that little statue that you had to kick and punch etc. but I did't get
any prizes. Why not? - Foxxy_roxxie Is there a way to adopt the one-eyed cat I've seen around the site? - Xania160 Will you be revealing the answer, now that the mystery has been solved? - Rini124 Are there such things as faerie morphing potions? - Teddybear10017 What do neggs do, I heard they just buy rare stuff? - Booch12 I visit the tombola, but it gives out nothing! It only gives booby prizes rarely. - Kellc94. I notice there is a number (62.822.638)inscribed below the heading of The Neopian Times. What's that? -
Manzi_ryan If you guessed two of the people who won, for the TCG Tournament, but they were not in the right place. Ex: Flash Gorton
as Second and Pop Tart as first, would you still get a prize? - Tropicaltide75
![]() Can you paint your pet with a paintbrush plushie? - Firebuggie When you go to Coltzan's shrine, and your pet says something rude like "I better get some rare items out of this" Will
that alter Coltzan's mood in giving me something? - Gottydot How do you get rid of a guild after you make one? - Polkadotboxers
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