"Fun and Games at the Deserted Fairground" by mystery03 - Piccoro had finished washing up and had just left the bathroom when he sensed something wasn't right. He looked towards the big clock in the central of the Deserted Fairground. It read 11:55... more>>
Other Stories
The Stroke of Midnight "You know what, El? You're good at telling scary stories, but what about real life? I bet you couldn't spend midnight in the mansion on Haunted Hill."
Shadow A long time ago, the land that this camp is on was occupied by an evil Dark Faerie, and she absolutely despised Neopets. It is said that one day, she found a lone Grarrl wandering about in her woods...
Background Voices of Neopia: Swamp Ghoul MUAHAHA! Your mere mortal of an owner has donned the Cloak of all Endings, therefore forced to face the consequences of such a powerful magic...
Getting Your Spook On When else can you line up like nice little pets and get nice little candy and get nice little tummy aches? No other time I know of.