Your questions answered!
Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the
Editorial section.
Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets,
so keep checking back to stay updated.
"I Think I Just Saw My Shadow!"
NeoPets from across the land have reported to the Neopian Times that their shadows have been moving without them. Creepy! Yikes! Rumour has it that the One and Only Shadow Usul has been drifting about the Battledome. Be careful! The Krawk Island Cup is Up For Grabs!
It's anybody's ball game as The NeoPets Team begins its first annual Deckball Championships! Who will win? Could it be Dave Scorcheski and his forehead? The dangerous Black Widow? The elusive Number 6? Guess who's going to take the cup and watch as the matches unfold...
The Neo-Market ReportDue to the fact that our regular hosts Neil Kauvuto and Maria Blumaroono are on vacation this week, Admiral Clawhammer and Ned the Buccaneer will be in to provide "a pirate's perspective" on the latest news from the floor of the exchange. Get the latest news
Deck-top PetPets Battle It Out
It's Mirgle versus Pawkeet on on top of an abandoned pirate ship right off the coast of Krawk Island. It is the brand new game called Deck Ball! Win Dubloons and Neopoints, play against your friends or against the computer... raise the killick and haul wind to give it a go! Guild SpotlightFor entries into guild spotlight:
Pirates of Krawk Island - Arrrggg, this guild would make Cap'n Threelegs a happy scurvy dog because they follow very strict rules: No Mutiny. No Spying. And don't go calling the Cap'n names like, "Woody the One Legged Eyrie". Break any of these and you'll walk the plank!
The World of Peace - Are you tired of all this battling around Neopia? Yes, there is a world out there in Neopia that tries to spread peace and love throughout the land, where Jetsams and Flotsams swim together, where Chias and Lupes shake paws...
Kau Herd Guild - This is great place for all Kau lovers to get together and Moooooooooooo! Contribute to their new donation drive by donating all flavours of milkshakes or any other Kau-Kau Farm product. Moooooove it or looooose it.
Keep Your Pet Happy
This week's issue is brought to you by:
The PetPet Shop
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