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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Articles
Be the Employee of the Month

I've noticed that many of my friends just can't seem to make even the tiniest profit out of it, so here are some tips that might help them and perhaps you in working out there.

by ckybl

Can You Be a Grand Master?

We're concerned with becoming a Grand Master here, and there are two independent ways of doing that.

by Docktor

Chocolate - You Love It, They Buy It

To make a huge profit from chocolate, you should first know the different types of chocolate.

by buterflize

Confused About the Obelisk? So Was I

Like many of you, I was greatly excited when the crown was returned, and the shrine was activated.

by Veggietaleslvr

Decorating Your Shop Wisely

Sometimes, things can go wrong and everything disappears!

by starsnsparks

Dr. Raamuli: Eyrie Expert

Eyries tend to be very calm creatures unless they are upset by someone or something. They are very territorial and will protect their families at all costs.

by blueberry13579

Elephantes: The Mighty NeoPets

The basic Elephante is easy to distinguish amongst the crowd of Neopians, no matter if they're painted or not.

by i_luv_animals32

Kacheeks and Poogles: A Fork In the Evolution Road or Just a Coincidence?

Kacheek and Poogles are very much related, so much that they can be considered cousins...

by Armadi

Money Falling From the Sky!!

These place could make you Neomillionaires! Hope you enjoy them!

by xiaoyanzi_love

Mummy Maze - Patience?

If you are patient enough, you might be able to get onto the high score table...

by smileywarhead

NeoHome Hunters

First of all you need to understand your financial abilities. If you only have 30,000 NP, don't use 25,000 NP just for a NeoHome!

by Ldfrostbite

Not Many Lennys

It was love at first sight for me and my first NeoPet, a Lenny.

by viki_darling

Predator vs. Prey: Yowling for Retirement

I'm here today to put this fiasco to rest, carrying with me an arsenal of testimony, theory, and research.

by goddessinblack

Proof That Cheaters Do Win

On the other hand, if you don't know how to play, well that's why you're reading this, isn't it.

by yoyoyo1019

Shoyrus vs. Scorchios

They're both dragon-type NeoPets, fiery, and friendly. So why are these species so similar?

by silvermoonLupe

The Gold Debate - Krawk Island

...Krawk Island was released. It means good news to Neopians, but what about the Krawks?

by epk

The Hidden Tower: To Buy or Not to Buy

Though it is kinda powerful, I'd rather you stick with the Battle Slices.

by sttriker171

The Stats You've Always Dreamed Of!

Have you seen those pets that have those AMAZING stats? Do you wish your pet could have stats like those?

by JNrobi

Those Sibling Blues

Before getting a second pet, be sure that your mind is completely made up.

by nidoramy


Deck-top PetPets Battle It Out

It's Mirgle versus Pawkeet on on top of an abandoned pirate ship right off the coast of Krawk Island. It is the brand new game called Deck Ball! Win Dubloons and Neopoints, play against your friends or against the computer... raise the killick and haul wind to give it a go!

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Other Stories

Al Abducted
Al sat on the roof of his lab, studying the night sky with great interest.

by Al_the_chia

What Have You Got To Lose?
"Why doesn't anyone like me?" he thought out loud, "Is it because I'm not painted?"

by blueberry13579

The Very Evil Hubrid Nox: Part One
Hubrid Nox has just been taken into the Gallery of Evil. Whenever he was seen in public, some people ran up to him asking for his autograph, while others ran for their lives.

by sidohsam

The Mummy's Curse: Part One
Ghostly in the half-light, a figure wrapped in bandages stretched its arms out, groping blindly for the little Wocky.

by worrals

Meerca Chase Champ
This doesn't really happen, does it?

by tawamureru

Wheel of Frightment
Better watch out when you spin the wheel. You never know where it will stop!

by cjn4eva

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