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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 26 > Front Page

Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

How to Get Rid of Your Neopoints

The Neopian Times is always full of articles meant to help new (and old) Neopians gain Neopoints quickly and easily.... Practically every other guild offers a program that guarantees to show you how to make 1,000,000 NP in one day, one week, 10 days, or however long they choose to have you believe. Now, we all know that most of these plans aren't possible... (read more)

Cooking with Asparagus

Yum, yum! Sure, Asparagus sure is yummy, but just plain ol' Asparagus could get boring. Now there are so many different ways of eating Asparagus, why not try something new? You can even prepare some at home for yourself, it's not just for NeoPets anymore! And contrary to popular belief, Asparagus is not yucky! :) (read more)

The Neo-Market Report

After a month of steady progress, in which the Neodaq index had almost reached the one thousand-point mark, the Neopian economy came crashing down on Monday. Get all the news on the crash here.

40 Million What?

Can you believe it? 40 million little creatures running around, trying to make a name for themselves. 40 millions pets all trying to get food, clothes, a plot of land for their NeoHome, a breath of fresh Neopian air, etc. Is it crowded in here or is it just all these pets pushing their elbows out for more room? Nah, Neopia's got plenty of room and is ready to welcome 40 million more. Just call first, okay? Keep track of Neopia's population here.

Guild Spotlight
For entries into guild spotlight:

Streaky Bacon Cult - This is a guild for all those who worship the migthy Streaky Bacon. Marvel at its streakiness. Learn its streaky ways. BE the Bacon. Worship it. Collect it. Give it to your Neofriends. Open up a Streaky shop, but never, ever feed it to your pets--it's too sacred.

Neopia Network - Need a place to help you through the streets of Neopia? Well, join the Neopia Network and help creat a better place for everyone. It doesn't matter what type of pet you own; c'mon in and have some fun!

Neo Nutz - Did you set your computer clock for NST? Do you worry about your NeoPets while your on vaction? Do you try and find a computer so you check on them every chance you get? Is everything 'Neo' to you? Join the club! Or should we say guild?

Paint Your PetPet
This week's issue is brought to you by: The PetPet Puddle

Submit your stories, articles, and comics using the new submission form.

Quote of the Week

"Technically, nothing is impossible, and one can always achieve something they wish to."


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Great stories!

Does the Snowager even take breaks?

by meowth4

Can You Be a Grand Master?
It's nearly impossible not to get a high ranking right away, and, in fact, I don't think it's possible to be lower than Expert...

by docktor

In the Coffee Shop
See what you get when you want some peace and quiet?

by sweetlittleluna

Bottles of Sand
If you can't eat it, you might as well put it to good use.

by sallybosita

The Lost NeoPet: Part Three
After playing Deckswabber, Deckball, enrolling all four pets in the Academy, buying some food, meeting some pirates, and giving his pets swimming lessons, Jamez and his four pets finally swaggered into the Lost Desert...

by leb388

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