All The Colours: Part Fourteen"The ground opening up could be anything from
a rift to a rabbit hole…" by hot_pink_lizard | Christmas with Dr. Sloth: Part TwoAfter a moment Meggiemufin coughed, and nervously
asked the green-faced stranger, "Is there something I can help you with?"
by meggiemufin | Dark Flame: Part Fourteen"We can find him," I said sharply, "I can feel
the trail of power he left. We'll just follow that." by child_dragon | Deckswabbers and Destinies: Part Three"Kara me lass, look at this map. I know we were
originally going on our usual raids, but take a look at this map." by ridergirl333 | Dropped from the Skies: Part Six"You pushed Casidrelle off Faerieland, I will
not let you do the same to me!" by furbyfun | Gelert's Pride: Part TwoMystic had a shocked expression on her face.
"You want to help me? Well, yeah, sure, okay. I guess you could help." by softcouch | Ghoul Hunters: Part Four“Ha! You’re one to talk!” Kerfon said heatedly.
“Bringing Meuka here was your idea in the first place!” by bluescorchio104 | Jay and the Super Authors Strike Back: Part Six"Wocky got your tongue?" Rosie said, winking. by erika_idle | Katanya: Part Four"I have a feeling I'm going to regret this,"
Furg announced, "but I'm sending you blockheads back out again." by amysaisha101 | Legend of Harquin: Part FiveApproaching as softly and silently
as a shadow, there loomed a dark, sleek shape with gleaming yellow eyes looming
out of the blackness. by shelleylow | Pure Darkness: Part Three"Alright, then. Let's go in and get this over
with." Still doubtful, the glowing Lupe trudged toward the silver version of
the Neolodge. by superixionffx | The Emerald Weapon: Part Two"Where in blooming Neopia are we?" asked Spike.
He and the others were now awake. They each also looked around the strange surroundings. by immortalmina | The Lost Queen: Part TenFenella stood in her royal splendor against the
twisted trees and eternal night. Quietly she waited, but what she waited for
she couldn’t say. by laurensama | The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Six"I have to go," he said. "I can not leave her to be on the whim of Jown. Who knows
what that Kougra will do." by meratocat |
"To Give, to Love" by smileyface12_5690 - As Christmas came ever closer, though, I started seeing an old, wrinkled Usul come by the donation booth everyday... more>>
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I continued staring into the Grey Faerie's eyes, unable
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