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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 122 > Continuing Series
All The Colours: Part Fourteen

"The ground opening up could be anything from a rift to a rabbit hole…"

by hot_pink_lizard

Christmas with Dr. Sloth: Part Two

After a moment Meggiemufin coughed, and nervously asked the green-faced stranger, "Is there something I can help you with?"

by meggiemufin

Dark Flame: Part Fourteen

"We can find him," I said sharply, "I can feel the trail of power he left. We'll just follow that."

by child_dragon

Deckswabbers and Destinies: Part Three

"Kara me lass, look at this map. I know we were originally going on our usual raids, but take a look at this map."

by ridergirl333

Dropped from the Skies: Part Six

"You pushed Casidrelle off Faerieland, I will not let you do the same to me!"

by furbyfun

Gelert's Pride: Part Two

Mystic had a shocked expression on her face. "You want to help me? Well, yeah, sure, okay. I guess you could help."

by softcouch

Ghoul Hunters: Part Four

“Ha! You’re one to talk!” Kerfon said heatedly. “Bringing Meuka here was your idea in the first place!”

by bluescorchio104

Jay and the Super Authors Strike Back: Part Six

"Wocky got your tongue?" Rosie said, winking.

by erika_idle

Katanya: Part Four

"I have a feeling I'm going to regret this," Furg announced, "but I'm sending you blockheads back out again."

by amysaisha101

Legend of Harquin: Part Five

Approaching as softly and silently as a shadow, there loomed a dark, sleek shape with gleaming yellow eyes looming out of the blackness.

by shelleylow

Pure Darkness: Part Three

"Alright, then. Let's go in and get this over with." Still doubtful, the glowing Lupe trudged toward the silver version of the Neolodge.

by superixionffx

The Emerald Weapon: Part Two

"Where in blooming Neopia are we?" asked Spike. He and the others were now awake. They each also looked around the strange surroundings.

by immortalmina

The Lost Queen: Part Ten

Fenella stood in her royal splendor against the twisted trees and eternal night. Quietly she waited, but what she waited for she couldn’t say.

by laurensama

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Six

"I have to go," he said. "I can not leave her to be on the whim of Jown. Who knows what that Kougra will do."

by meratocat


"To Give, to Love" by smileyface12_5690 - As Christmas came ever closer, though, I started seeing an old, wrinkled Usul come by the donation booth everyday... more>>

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Other Stories

I continued staring into the Grey Faerie's eyes, unable to let go of her gaze. I tried really hard to look away, but I couldn't... I didn't want to.

by christinetran

"Do you think there's more to Christmas? More to it that getting gifts?"

by arula100

Another Year of Change
It’s been another year, and many more things have happened. I’ve decided to jot them all down in this article...

by too_kule

Finding The Perfect Guild
The range of guilds in Neopia and all of its lands is… big, very big, so big that you can call it huge, or even beyond huge.

by ziesolles

Rainbow Paintbrush
Isn't is the thought that counts?

by hiccup_0509

The Cookie Claus
*Gasp* It's Santa Claus!

by dragonanz

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