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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 54 > Articles > The About Us Page - A Closer Look At the Neopets Staff

The About Us Page - A Closer Look At the Neopets Staff

by blazewolfpup

NEOPIA CENTRAL - As I was surfing over Neopets, I came to the About Us page, which most people would never even bother in taking time to look at. At the bottom of all pages, where all the legal credit stuff is, a blue link resides, leading you to the About Us page. At first glance, this appears to be nothing more than a page for Adam to gloat about how many Neopoints he supposedly has, and for you to see all the programmers and such of Neopets. On a closer look, however, many insights are gained...

Neopets is brought to you by the letter 'm', the number 3, and also the following people...

This simple statement started me thinking. Why the letter M and Number 3? I thought, puzzled. After thinking and coming up with nothing, I started to talk to my friend petlovergirl264, as we usually had ideas like this, and I thought it would help to figure out. After a while, we came up with a few ideas.

The worlds of Neopia. You may think, oh, wow, big deal... but, referring back to the statement on the About Us page, have you ever noticed that there are three worlds beginning with M? Meridell, Mystery Island, and the destroyed Maraqua. Well, that has GOT to be something strange. It could be a coincidence... but there's WAY too many things like that on Neopets for it to be.

Another thing is the Muffins, and the Muffin Man items. Have you ever noticed that there are so many Muffins available for you to buy? And, they start with the letter M. And the Muffin Man items - Both words start with M, and there are 3 in the set. Highly unlikely to be coincidental, no?

Adam 'The Doctor' Powell - After being killed by small green flying blob-aliens, Adam is now in his eighth re-incarnation. Travelling through time in a blue police box, Adam's mission - to combat the forces of evil in whatever form it may take. In his spare time, Adam likes to write rather dull and uninspiring games for Neopets, a popular online entertainment Web site.

The next thing is a small statement about Adam, our favourite programmer who created Neopets. 8th Reincarnation? What is all this about? And destroying evil in a blue police box... there is more to Adam than we all first thought. As for the dull and uninspiring games for Neopets, all I can say is: Meridell Games.

Donna 'Ace' Williams - Adam found Donna on the planet Galactrox-V where she was earning a living breaking biscuits for a local confectionery company. Impressed by her rudimentary drawing ability, Adam invited Donna to accompany him on his travels. When Donna is not thwarting the evil plans of Daleks and Cybermen around the universe she can be found running the content and art side of popular online destination

Ah, now for a paragraph about Donna. According to this, Donna was living on the planet Galactrox-V... but, what kind of weird creatures live there? It could be... I'd best stop getting ahead of myself, more about that later. We all admire Donna's artwork around the site, but who are these Daleks and Cybermen?

I decided to do some investigations of my own, curious of all these mentions of races of aliens, or who knows what, mentioned on this page. After no success, I decided to interview some of the Neopians around, if they had any ideas. As it sounded alien-ish, I headed first to the Space Station, with Blaze, my Lupe. I had previously organised an interview with the Space Armoury owner, a Red Grundo.

Me: Um, hello there, Mr. Grundo. I'm here to interview you about the Neopets Staff, as I have been curious about all the mentions of other worlds and races out there in the Solar System, which have been connected to them.

Grundo: Which races?

Me: The Daleks, the Cybermen, the Low-Budget Plastic Aliens, as well as any information on what exactly Adam and Donna are, and where they came from.

Grundo: The Daleks, Cybermen & Low-Budget Plastic Aliens are all from distant planets, out in space somewhere, a lot farther than this space station. Not much information is known about them. Although we have heard rumours about Adam and Donna...

Blaze: Well? What? Can you tell us?

Grundo: We've heard that they're some sort of alien, monster, or creature of some sort... and as there are rumours of them eating Asparagus constantly, and living out in space, they could have a fair chance of being, or becoming, radioactive.

Thanking the Grundo, we took our leave, heading back to Neopian Central. All of the evidence was running through my head, but I could not figure it out. Radioactive... creatures... outer space... eating asparagus...

Something clicked. But... it couldn't be. They couldn't be Radioactive Creatures From Outer Space That Eat Asparagus And Muffins, Obsessed With The Number 3 And The Letter M... could they? But, even if they aren't that, they certainly weren't fully human. Humans cannot be re-incarnated straight away, nor do we live on planets like Galactrox-V, nor do we travel through time in a blue police box. With this in mind, I decided to try and find the Neopets Staff, to ask them myself of all this.

Sadly, my quest was in vain, as I was unable to find them, to prove my assumptions. They had gone off in space, on some mission, or something like that. Or, maybe they are specifically evading me, so nobody is fully sure about their REAL identities. For all we know, they could be following their leader, trying to take over the earth with Neopets. The world shall never know.

For now, this is blazewolfpup, signing off. I will forever try to unravel the insane mysteries, questions, and conspiracies of Neopets, so we can all be informed of any puzzling ideas we may have.

If anyone has any ideas for another article, Neomail me, and thanks.

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