Is There More to Balthazar? by chilifry |  |
He's the reason why so many Neopians are trading, auctioning, and selling faeries.
Everyone thinks of him as a very evil NeoPet, and hopes that they'll never meet
him face to face. We've read articles about him in The Neopian Times of how
evil he is, and pointing fingers at him. I, for one, am different, and prefer
to not point fingers, but rather to question, and put myself in his shoes. Is
there more to Balthazar
than what meets the eye?
Well, no one really knows how this all started and what motivated him to do
such a cruel thing to such fragile and graceful faeries that everyone so loves.
Well, the myth is that Balthazar became friends with the Faerie Queen herself.
In a time of great need, he asked her if he could be blessed for one reason
or another. She refused and told him she never wanted to be friends with him
again for being so greedy. Fuming, Balthazar vowed revenge on her. A couple
months later, many of the Faerie Queens' sisters were missing in Faerieland.
Balthazar had captured them with a net and stuffed them in a bottle. You're
probably thinking, if he's so mad at the Queen, why didn't he just capture her?
Well, you see it's very hard to catch her since she's been isolated in the Hidden
Tower 24 hours a day. She's felt guilty and fearful ever since the Balthazar
incident and locked herself in the Tower afraid she'll be captured herself.
That's where we are today, and since the queen is being so cowardly and selfish,
her sisters are being sold as objects that everyone wants to get their hands
After I heard this myth, I sort of had a soft spot in my heart for Balthazar.
I understood why he felt so used by the Faerie Queen and why he wanted revenge.
I also found that the Queen is being mighty stubborn while her sisters are still
bottled up. But, of course, I can't commend Balthazar for collecting those precious
faeries. It's a very difficult situation that might never have a perfect solution.
Although everyone has condemned Balthazar's actions, why do we still support
him, I ask? If we thought this "evil" Lupe's actions were wrong why do we sell
the faeries? I must admit, I have sold maybe 6 faeries and released one. But,
really, why do Neopians support Balthazar's collection by continuing to put
up faeries on the market? My answer is, that I am not the only one who questions
Balthazar's credibility of being evil. I'm sure there's more Neopians who can
see that there's more to this. As I look past his ruffled fur, his toothy grin,
and his sharp claws, I can sort of make out that Balthazar could in fact be
a very lonely Lupe. And, it doesn't help when he sees his brother, Garon,
going down the same path as he did by making friends with the Queen, and forgetting
him. It's sort of like the theory that bullies have low self-esteem and they
can only feel better once they pummel someone. In this case, Balthazar is the
bully, and the faeries are his victims. If only people would start getting to
know him, maybe he'll stop the craziness of capturing faeries.
Hopefully soon, the Faerie Queen will be less stubborn and leave her hideout
to bless Balthazar to end this madness. But until then, faeries will never be
free from Balthazar's clutch.
But what am I to say about this subject? After all, it's only a myth... right? |