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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 18 > Short Stories > Sinkley


by angleface23356

Sinkley the green Gelert thrashed around in bed. "OWE! My nose! What is going on!" He gasped, and realised that his nose had shrunken! Sinkley whimpered a faint cry. Was he being mutated? He thought, I'm not as cool as the other pets! No one at school likes me, and in training school, the teacher gives me an "F" next to Tender! And I'm ten times better than she is! I am clumsy, and don't like it one bit! If this is going to happen, I might as well run away and live in a hole! I'm not worthy of this house!

Suddenly, Sinkley woke up. The golden morning sun shone in through his window. "What a nightmare!" he paused, "Well, if I had been mutated, I wouldn't have to go to school today. Real life and dreams have their ups and downs I guess."

Sinkley threw the covers off himself, and in the next hour, he sat alone on the school bus. "Oh no! Here comes Darlins!" Sinkley shrunk into the corner of the seat as Darlins, the monstrous, popular, tough Quiggle, tromped through the isle. Today, as usual, Darlins wore a leather jacket and went into the very back of the bus with all the other popular pets.

When Sinkley peered over the seat, he noticed that Darlins had sat with Snowtwirl, the new pet. Sinkley had knew he liked her the first time he saw her. Snowtwirl was a white Lupe, and she was gentler than a deer. Her soft face was completed with twinkling blue pools of eyes.

Sinkley slunk back down onto his rump. "I'll never have a chance with her. Nor will I ever be able to ask her to the Holiday School Dance. Oh well," Sinkley sighed. A tear fell from his green face.

The days past and Sinkley still hadn't gotten up the nerve to ask Snowtwirl to the Holiday Dance. The Dance was the next day, and Sinkley's hope had rose a little.

Sinkley walked through the crowded halls of the school. Snowtwirl stood by her locker chatting with Sunset. If I'm ever gonna do this, I need to do it now! Sinkley thought, and he smiled, maybe it would work out.

Cautiously, Sinkley approached the shining Lupe of his dreams. Then, from out of no where appeared Darlins. He shooed away Sunset and blocked Sinkley's view. Sinkley stopped and watched. When Darlins left, he took Snowtwirl with him. They were holding paws.

Sinkley stood there, in shock. How could he of gone so slow! Now he could never ask her!

"I was surprised too," came Sunset's faint voice. "I never thought that she would throw me away like that for Darlins."

"Are you talking to me?" asked Sinkley sounding surprised.

"Yeah, who else would I be talking to? What is your name by the way?"


"Hi Sinkley, I'm-"

"I know, Sunset. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Sinkley. Well, I gotta go. See you around."


It was a lonely ride home as Sinkley knew he had blown his chances with Snowtwirl, and Darlins was probably taking her. All of Sinkley's hopes had been crushed.

That night in bed, Sinkley did thrash around.

"MY NOSE!" Sinkley shot up and grabbed it. His whole face seemed to shrink.

"I'M BEING MUTATED!" Sinkley rushed into the bathroom and flipped on the light.


Sinkley didn't bother looking into the mirror, he new he was doomed.

Sinkley began to cry, when suddenly-all the pain stopped. Sinkley looked up through salty tears to see his reflection. He gasped.

"This can't be real! No way! Oh my! It is true! I'm beautiful! Really beautiful!"

Sinkley had changed. He was now a beautiful Gelert, NEW AND IMPROVED! The day passed and he couldn't wait to arrive at he dance. When the time finally came, he marched out the door proudly.

Sinkley walked through the doors of the school auditorium to see the holiday spirit leaping between his classmates as they danced. He made his way over to Snowtwirl who was getting some punch. He had no worries this time.

"Hello, I am Sinkley. Would you care to dance Snowtwirl?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"


"What are you?" she said, sounding disgusted.

"I'm a Gelert."

"Oh. I've never seen one like you before. You're cute. Sure I'll dance."

Something that Sinkley had waited for all year was occurring, but it didn't seem right. "Never mind. Bye." He turned and left her there, where Darlins came up and took her away to dance.

Then, Sinkley noticed a familiar face sitting down, starring at the dancers. It was Sunset. Sinkley went over to her and coolly asked her to dance. She agreed and they danced the night away.

Sinkley didn't quite know why, but he felt it was a much better decision to leave Snowtwirl. Sinkley felt that Sunset was right for him as a friend.

The End

Author's Note: Sinkley7 is his real name, and he is my pet. Like all the other Gelerts he overcame the change in appearance. Yes, you aren't supposed to know what kind of pet Sunset is.

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