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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 12 > Articles > Famous Lupes - History and Present

Famous Lupes - History and Present

by Keroberosclow

Here is a list of the most famous Lupes in Neopia, who have all impacted our lives and affected the way we live now.

Fearless the Chia Hunter
Though he may not be your Chia's hero, he's an important symbol of the Lupe society. As you probably know, many modern Lupes retired from Chia hunting. Fearless reminds everylupe about their hunting instincts and to follow them for all eternity. Shrewd as he is, his sharp mind, swiftness, incredible strength, and his cutlass blade makes him hard to defeat if challenged.

King Coltzan III
He was a brave and noble warrior and came out of many wars, victorious. After several years, he put up his sword and warrior ways to start his kingdom of peace. In his few years of his reign, he focused on enriching and expanding the Lost Desert empire. Sadly, poor Coltzan was destroyed by Princess Sankara in Y3. Even more disrespect, Sankara and Malkus Vile stole his valuable crown, in hopes of selling it for big NP on the black-market. Fortunately, we NeoPets brought it back to his memorial shrine.

Balthazar the Bounty Hunter
Even though he has a bad reputation, all of us should thank Balthazar for bringing us faeries. Without him, no NeoPets would learn special abilities and would have a particularly hard time in the Battledome. Anywho, what else can he make a living from his uncanny faerie-catching talent?

Mia the Angel Lupe
Long before our days of living, a famous Queen named Mia was saving the weak and elderly more than most NeoPets had hot soups. She lived a happy life and died peacefully. The angels of the sky recognised her good deeds and made her an angel too, so she could warn NeoPets from danger forever on.

Orig the Great
Bored with leading his Lupe pack, he set off with his supernatural abilities to become a renown hero. He has made tons of records of saving DID's (damsels in distress) and is a shining hero in every pups' eyes. If you are ever in need of help, just yell OORRRRIIGGGG!!!!

Ziora the Brave
A great legend among all Lupes, she helped defeat the Tyrannian invaders. She was the one who eliminated the Monoceraptor and the mysterious Lupe few Neopians saw disappearing behind the horizon after the battle. Ziora has great psychic powers and has the ability to foresee the future and plan ahead before the predicted happens, just as she foresaw the Tyrannian war.

Garon the Lupe
He is a famous maze-cracker. Strangely enough, he enjoys life threatening traps, creatures, and puzzles. His motto, "The more dangerous, the more fun!" He survived so many Faerie Quests, who knows how many lives he has? More than nine, obviously.

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