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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 82 > Continuing Series > Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Four

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Four

by yugo149

Untitled Document Previously, on Doomsday Rider VIII, Jendrak has become perfect, Ieru and Perfect Jendrak have become locked in battle, and Majin Shadow has revealed that he has a secret weapon to use against Perfect Jendrak, but will it be enough?

"What were you thinking, holding back your 'secret weapon' like that?!" I shouted, still frustrated at Majin Shadow's stupidity. Sure, he'd done some dumb things before, but this one outshined them all.

     "I already explained that. Besides, once you find out what it is, I think it'll more than make up for my holding it back." Majin Shadow responded.

     "What is your secret weapon, anyway?" I asked, curiously.

     "Well, you'll find that out when we go after Jendrak, now won't you?" Majin Shadow said, simply.

     "Well, are we going after him, or what?" Zing-Lau asked. We all nodded, and went toward the ruins of Neopia Central.

* * *

Ieru rushed forward again, ready to assault Perfect Jendrak when it was time. He got close, and then Perfect Jendrak stepped off to the side, tripped Ieru, and kicked him up into the air, where he got hit by several of the raining attacks. Ieru fell down into the rubble below, landing on shreds of steel, concrete, and glass. Perfect Jendrak merely sneered. "And once again, Ieru bites the dust." No longer had he finished this sentence had we arrived. Zing-Lau's eyes widened in horror as he stepped back.

     "Oh, no... Jendrak has become perfect. There is no way we can win now, no way." Zing-Lau said, looking defeated.

     "Have you forgotten about my secret weapon?!" Majin Shadow shouted.

     "No, you don't understand. Perfect Jendrak's stats are all beyond five million." Zing-Lau said.

     "What?!" We all shouted at once.

     "But that's impossible!" I continued.

     "I'm afraid it's not. There is only one way to defeat him, but it's nothing but a legend."

     "What is it?" I asked.

     "When I was growing up, my father told me legends that someday a warrior would reach a bottomless well of strength, speed, and endurance. He alone would be capable of defeating Perfect Jendrak, if he ever arose. The bottomless amount of energy is known as the megaton form, but it's impossible to reach. I've tried all my life, and I never even came close."

     "Well, we'll find a way to defeat him, even without the megaton form." I said, a determined look entering my eyes. Majin Shadow, Boomdogg, Anubis, Lot and I prepared for battle. Boomdogg and Anubis formed Belgora, who went into his hyper form, Majin Shadow and I went up to hyper form stage 3, and Lotta was going to rush in with no weapons but her Elemental Uniform. Shadow was the first to confront Perfect Jendrak.

     "Now, to show off my secret weapon." Shadow said, as the ground below him began to rumble.

     "What's going on?!" Hyper Belgora asked Lot.

     "I don't know!" Lot responded, clinging to Belgora. Large cracks began to appear on Shadow's body...cracks like what would appear on breaking stone. Finally, after about five minutes, the cracks grew larger, and the shreds of skin, turned as hard as stone, shot away from Shadow's body, revealing a new form. He appeared normal, except without his wings, and with the eyes and antennae of his third hyper form. Shadow chuckled to himself, and looked Perfect Jendrak square in the eyes.

     "This is what I held back before. This is the hyper form stage 4." Shadow said, sneering. Perfect Jendrak returned Shadow's sneer.

     "You do realise, of course, that I am unbeatable. Your stats, they're pathetic! You haven't even cracked five hundred thousand yet." Perfect Jendrak said, cackling. All six of the Elemental Gems began to glow blindingly. They all broke away from Perfect Jendrak's golden armor, turned a dull gray color, and scattered around the ruins of the city. "I just absorbed all of the energy within the Elemental Gems, they have no power left whatsoever." Perfect Jendrak said, sneering again.

     "Doomsday_Rider, go, collect the Elemental Gems, they still have about half of their power." Zing-Lau whispered to me. I went off to collect them as he said. Majin Shadow was going to confront Perfect Jendrak. I raced around the ruins, collecting the Elemental Gems as quickly as I could while Shadow and Perfect Jendrak began their battle.

     Shadow rushed forward and punched Perfect Jendrak in the face, knocking him back a few feet. Jendrak rushed forward and kneed Shadow in the stomach, punched him in the side of his face, and brought his elbow back, crashing into the back of Shadow's head, sending him in the direction Perfect Jendrak came from. Perfect Jendrak turned around and faced Shadow, who, even though in his fourth hyper form, was weakening with every blow landed. By this time, I had gathered five of the gems, and was searching for the last one.

     Shadow was battered and bruised, whereas Perfect Jendrak had barely taken two hits the entire battle. Perfect Jendrak sneered. I had finally found the sixth Elemental Gem and picked it up. Perfect Jendrak slammed Shadow in the face, sending him back a few feet.

     The six Elemental Gems escaped from my hands and formed a circle around me. My body began to shrink, going back down through my hyper forms. My skin turned pure white, my wings grew back, and so did my legs. I continued to grow smaller, until I was back in my first hyper form. The spikes at the end of my tail pulled back in, and my body grew smaller, returning to normal. My wings started to turn to stone and crack. Finally, my wings shattered, sending the stone-like shreds flying for miles. My pupils turned red, and the Elemental Gems fell to the ground. My energy was enormous. I had reached the megaton form Zing-Lau was talking about earlier. I lifted into the air and hovered behind Perfect Jendrak just as he landed the final blow on Shadow, returning him to normal, and sending him into the wreckage below.

     I rushed forward and punched him, sending him several yards. He turned around to face me, and he sneered. "Impressive." He said. "But it's not enough to defeat me." He waved his hand, and the attacks fell from the sky yet again. Most of them missed me, but the ones that actually hit didn't even itch me. This was incredible!

     "You can't win, Perfect Jendrak," I said.

     "Oh, yes I will," Perfect Jendrak said, sneering. He raised his hands over his head and a massive ball of energy, bigger than the one Ienou had, appeared. He hurled it at the ground, and it dug down, forming a bottomless black pit beneath us. "Ten minutes, fool. That's all the longer you have before this planet goes down with the both of us. You see, I cannot be defeated."

     "Ten minutes should be more than enough time to finish you off, gather the survivors, and escape," I said, pointing one "finger" at him.

     "Oh, really? Let's just find out, shall we?" Perfect Jendrak questioned, putting up a guard. I hurled a Kanena at him, which sent him reeling. Before he could recover, I had lunged forward and was hammering away at him, breaking away his gold armor, piece by piece. He swatted me away.

     "You fool, my abilities are far beyond your comprehension!" Perfect Jendrak shouted, his body becoming a cloud of black and gold mist. It swirled together, and formed into Delfanel.

     "What the? Perfect Jendrak is a shape-shifter?" I asked myself, surprised. Delfanel leapt at me, and I fired one Kanena into his mouth. His body burst apart, becoming the black and gold mist again. The mist swirled, and formed into Ienou. Ienou rushed toward me, I thrust my knee into his chest, and while he was recovering from the attack, I hurled a Kanena at the massive ball of energy above. Ienou screeched, and began to retreat. I rushed forward, and punched him in the jaw. He stumbled back, drastically weakened from the single attack.

     "You idiot. With each second that ticks by, this planet comes closer to its end!" Ienou said in Perfect Jendrak's voice. I rushed forward again and slammed my fist into his jaw, causing his body to return to its mist form. It moved away from me and began to swirl again. Perfect Jendrak began to change his shape yet again. This time, he became MTL-Rider. He rushed forward, the boosters on his back blazing, and rammed me as hard as he could. I punched him in the face, and he became the black and gold mist once again. He moved back and formed into himself at last.

     "Only eight more minutes until the planet goes boom, and the megaton form will only hold up for about five more minutes." Perfect Jendrak said, sneering.

     "What?" I asked, surprised.

     "You heard me. Your current form can only be held for seven minutes at most," Perfect Jendrak said. "We've been fighting for two minutes now." Perfect Jendrak spun around, becoming the mist one more time. The mist swirled together, forming into Tuturis. Tuturis' eyes gleamed, and his fireball-like body began to mutate. He changed into a large scorpion and whipped his razor sharp stinger at me. During his attack, I hurled a Kanena at him, causing him to return to normal before his attack connected. While Tuturis was still a fireball, I hurled another Kanena at him, turning him back into Perfect Jendrak. He stumbled backward, still in mid-air.

     "How can this be happening? I am perfect." Perfect Jendrak muttered to himself, wiping some blood away that had appeared in the corner of his mouth. "You will pay for this, you insolent little pest!"

     Majin Shadow was laying on the ground, amongst the wreckage. Even though he was barely clinging to consciousness, he watched the battle. "It's amazing exactly how powerful those two are. It seems like neither of them is more powerful than the other, but Rider is just toying with Perfect Jendrak, I can tell," he said, smirking weakly.

     "I've got to keep my defenses up for the next four minutes, and then he will lose his form, and I will be able to win." Perfect Jendrak muttered to himself, planning his victory. He waved his hand, and the attacks yet again fell from the sky. Perfect Jendrak then waved his hand in front of him and a wall of energy appeared.

     "Hmph. Pathetic," I said, rushing forward through the raining attacks, plowing through Perfect Jendrak's energy wall, and slamming into his chest at top speed. His body broke into the black and gold mist, moved, reformed, and put up his defenses again. The battle continued on like that for the next two minutes. The battle between me and Perfect Jendrak was not without its viewers. Belgora, Lot, Majin Shadow, and the remainder of Neopia's population was watching from the ground. As far away as Vela-Sei, the battle was being watched by the Vela-Sei Rebellion. Even in the Dark Dimension, the PSY-Borg Army, Armos, Scorpio, Orbiknaught, Zing-Lau's minions, M-I, and Kromanè were watching. All eyes from all around were glued to the fight.

     "Heheh... only two more minutes of your Megaton form, fool!" Perfect Jendrak said, sneering. I rushed up to him, stopping an inch from his face.

     "It's plenty of time to destroy you and escape," I said, narrowing my eyes at him and raising one palm over my head. In an instant, an enormous Kanena had formed. I pointed my palm at Perfect Jendrak, and my Kanena followed the movement, attacking him. As the blue light engulfed the entire area, Perfect Jendrak's screams of agony and death could be heard for miles. When that attack cleared, Perfect Jendrak's body was in the form of the black and gold mist again. The mist quickly faded, leaving no sign of Perfect Jendrak. I landed on the ground and motioned for everyone to get near me. Although, before everyone was gathered, some people and Neopets began to disappear in flashes of blue light. Zing-Lau was teleporting them away. By now, the sky had become pitch black, and wild displays of lightning danced across it. Rocks began to break away from the ground and float in the air. Some even burst into small shreds of stone. There was a loud cracking sound behind me. I turned around, and the Elemental Gems had shattered.

     "Aah, what?!" I shouted.

     "No time!" Zing-Lau shouted, teleporting the two of us away. We were the last two to leave the planet.

* * *

We appeared in a grassy field. "Where are we?" I asked, looking around as my wind sprouted again.

     "We are now on Earth," Zing-Lau said, breathing heavily.

     "Earth?!" I shouted.

     "Yes, Doomsday_Rider, Earth," Zing-Lau said, falling to one knee. I helped him up.

     "Are you okay?" I asked him. Zing-Lau nodded.

     "Just a little tired, I'll be fine," he said, leaving. Dimee and the one who had taken him in, someone by the name o0ssj2_goten0o, walked up to me.

     "Very impressive!" Dimee said, winking and flashing the thumbs up sign.

     "Thanks," I said. Goten looked down at me.

     "Dimee is right, very nice job." Goten said, looking around. "We've got to be going." He said, turning and walking away. After Goten and Dimee had left, another of my friends, named ShanXX walked up behind me.

     "Boo!" he said.

     "Aah!" I shouted, jumping. He chuckled.

     "After dealing with that Perfect whatever his name was, you'd think you wouldn;t get scared by that," Shan said.

     "Oh, be quiet," I answered, crossing my arms. Only around four hundred had survived, but all of my friends were amongst them.

The End

Previous Episodes

Doomsday Rider VIII

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Two

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Three

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