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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 80 > Continuing Series > Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Two

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Two

by yugo149

Untitled Document Previously, on Doomsday Rider VIII, a five hundred year old demon has been reborn. He and Hyper Doomsday_Rider Stage 2 fought, and Ieru was defeated, and seemingly destroyed. Nefina, a human girl, has taken Rider and the others to the past to fix some "problems" that exist in her time period. We pick up now in the modern time, in Neopia Central, one hour after Rider and the others left.

Ieru's body became a black liquid, as dark as his body. The liquid formed Ieru's liquid orb, and from that orb sprang a small, black ball of mist. The mist ball condensed and formed a black liquid orb, much like Ieru's. It hardened and shattered, and there hovered a long dragon, like the hyper form stage 3, made completely of darkness. Ieru's orb hardened and shattered as well, Ieru stood where he stood before, appearing exactly the same as before. The dark dragon slithered away in mid-air, leaving Ieru in awe.

     "Hey, you!" Sabre shouted from behind Ieru. Ieru turned to face him, his eyes half closed.

     "What do you want?" Ieru asked.

     "You're that guy that's been going around destroying Neopia," Sabre said, approaching Ieru. Ieru rolled his eyes and sighed.

     "Yes, so what?" he asked.

     "This is 'so what'," Sabre said, firing a Kanena at Ieru. Ieru swatted the Kanena away, sending it to the horizon as it exploded just out of sight behind some buildings.

     "You weakling," Ieru said, chuckling. "I could tear you apart without using my right arm," he said, raising his right hand and clenching it twice before folding it behind his back. "So about it? We fight, and I can't use my right hand. What do you say?"

     Sabre grinned and let out one arrogant laugh. "Alright, we'll see just who is stronger, me, or you minus one arm." They stared coldly at each other, before lunging forward and beginning their battle.

* * *

I sat patiently waiting for the others. They emerged from the chambers, each wearing a mystical-looking uniform. The only one whose uniform even remotely resembled mine was Majin Shadow's. I stood up and approached Nefina. "Okay, so what are these problems you were talking about earlier?" I asked, looking almost straight up at her face.

     "There is a demon plaguing us. His name is Jendrak," Nefina answered.

     "A demon?" Shadow asked, approaching us. "A demon is no problem. In fact, now I can probably even rival Rider's full power," he said, smirking arrogantly.

     "No you can't, you can't go to stage 3," I said.

     "You honestly think I've gone this long without working on my transitions? I can go stage 3 now, and I've got a feeling there's something past it, with even greater power." He said, thinking about what it could be. He turned and slowly walked back to the others, still thinking.

     "So where's this 'Jendrak'?" I asked.

     "Thank you, I am very grateful. Jendrak is probably near my village by now. Follow me," she said, smiling and motioning toward the door of the strange temple. I motioned to the others to follow and we all followed Nefina to her village.

* * *

Sabre threw a punch at Ieru, which he blocked easily with his forearm. He, in return, lashed out with a head-butt that hit Sabre in the face. Ieru wrapped his tail around Sabre's ankle and tripped him to the floor. He began to flick his tail around, slamming the defenceless Sabre into the concrete of the rooftop repeatedly, and face-first. Ieru tossed Sabre into the air, and chased after him with a kick ready. Sabre swatted Ieru's attack away, and slashed him along his ribs with his Fire and Ice Blade.

     The two forces dropped back down to the rooftop, both landing in a 3-point stance. They were both panting and breathing heavily, though it was obvious that Ieru had far more energy remaining.

     "I don't believe this, a mortal like him, actually doing some damage to me?!" Ieru spouted, ready to destroy the Shoyru that was facing him at the very moment. "I'm going to end this now!" Ieru said, standing. He shifted his weight to his right leg and began to swing it toward Sabre just as his foot ignited. Sabre leapt into the air, exactly as Ieru had planned. Ieru held his left hand by his waist, and hurled it forward, sending a green beam of energy from it. "Cyber Punch!" Ieru shouted. The attack hit Sabre in the face, and sent him sprawling down to the ground far below. Ieru smirked triumphantly and stood at the edge of the same side Sabre fell from, scanning the city. The streets began to crack and split apart, revealing the ground beneath. Ieru frowned.

     "And so it begins..." Ieru said to himself.

* * *

When we got to Nefina's village, it was on fire, and Nefina looked in horror. She turned away, not wanting to look anymore. "Jendrak has already struck. Go, quickly, find him and defeat him before he causes any more damage." She said, pointing toward the village, still looking away. We went in, leaving Nefina behind. Once in, we split up into three groups, one group was Majin Shadow and I, another was Boomdogg and Anubis III, and the other was Lotta and Kentan.

     Shadow and I went to a part of the village that was silent, and miraculously, not burnt at all. Although, the ground in the area was completely gone and in its place was a black pit with seemingly no bottom. We began to fly over the area, and we saw a human-shaped figure hovering over the pit. Embedded in its body were six jewels, one on each of its knees, one on each of its palms, one on its forehead, and one on its chest. The figure turned to look at us.

     "Who are you?" Shadow demanded.

     "I am known as Perfect Jendrak." The figure responded. "The only reason I am Perfect Jendrak is the six jewels you see on my body. Without them, I would merely be Jendrak."

     "Right..." Shadow said, cocking an eyebrow. He and I both went into our hyper form stage 2, and his form was like mine--more or less. We both took a guarded position, the same one, except reversed, shoulder to shoulder. We each took off to opposite sides of Jendrak, charged up our version of the Kanena, and fired. Jendrak shot up, leaving our attacks to run into each other. We both directed our attack upward at the same time, and they became a spiraling tower of blue and gold light, catching up to Jendrak. He looked down, still trying to outrun the coupled attacks.

     "What? No way!" Jendrak said to himself as the two attacks shot up from below, catching him within a brilliant explosion. The sky began to shine blue, gold, and green all at once. From the core of the explosion six bright beams of light: they were green, gold, blue, white, purple, and red. Shadow and I gave each other a high five, and turned to face the others, approaching quickly. We flew down and landed beside them, returning to our normal forms.

     "It figures you guys'd get here just after Jendrak got vaporized," Shadow said.

     "What, you couldn't wait for us?" Boomdogg asked.

     "Heh, if you'd been where we were, you would've destroyed him just as quick." Shadow said, smirking. Nefina began to approach us, striding quickly, though gracefully.

     "Incredible!" she said, smiling. "The prophecies foretelling Jendrak's defeat said that the battle would destroy the planet, and you two defeated him at the cost of absolutely nothing!"

     "It doesn't surprise me," Lot said, shaking her head. "Especially after the whole episode with Ienou. They merged and tore him apart."

     "I suppose, well... I guess I should send the six of you home," Nefina said, waving her hands once and the entire area faded into black. After a few minutes, the area returned to normal, and we were standing in the damaged streets of Neopia Central.

     "Whoa, what happened here?" I asked to no one. I saw a slight movement in the shadows out of the corner of my eye. I looked over, and saw Prince Zing-Lau. Shadow saw him as well, rushed toward him, picked him up by the collar, and shook him furiously.

     "What did you do this time?! Oh, never mind, I'm ending this now!" Shadow said, pulling back his fist.

     "Shadow!" I shouted, causing him to stop before he readied his attack. "Let's hear what he has to say, first." Shadow reluctantly set Zing-Lau down, who stepped back.

     "This time I'm not responsible for any of this. I found two jewels after you fought Delfanel." Zing-Lau said, focusing on me for a second. "Just a few hours ago, a dragon, completely black, stole those two jewels from me and ran off. It turned into a weird humanoid shape, with the two jewels embedded in its palms. This is what that creature has done in only three hours."

     "What?! We were gone for only two hours!" I shouted.

     "No, you weren't," Zing-Lau stated. "In fact, you were gone for two weeks, and the planet's population has been cut down to about ten thousand."

     "You're kidding!" I shouted.

     "No, I'm not," Zing-Lau said, shaking his head. "I wish I were."

     "This is not good,." I said, worriedly. "Alright, Shadow, Zing-Lau, you two come with me, the rest of you, stay here!" Lot, Kentan, Anubis, and Boomdogg all groaned wile Shadow, Zing-Lau and I took to the air. We landed on top of a building, and on the horizon saw a brilliant flash of lightning.

     "What was that?" Shadow asked.

     "I don't know." Is all I could say.

* * *

Ieru rushed toward the humanoid figure and threw a Thunder Punch. The humanoid side-stepped, and took a swing at Ieru's face as he went by. Ieru ducked and kneed the humanoid in the ribs, sending him flying for a few yards.

     "Had enough yet, Jendrak?" Ieru asked, panting.

     "Ha! Not even close!" Jendrak responded, panting as well.

     "Huh, have it your way, then." Ieru said, attacking Jendrak with an Inferno Kick. Jendrak stepped back and blocked the attack, and grasped Ieru's ankle, hoisted Ieru up, swung him around in circles, and threw him into the side of a nearby building, making a crater where he hit.

     "Ow!" Ieru shouted, gripping the back of his head when he recovered. He broke away from the crater in the side of the building and hovered towards Jendrak, landing where he stood before. Ieru held his right hand beside his waist and cupped his left hand around his fist. He thrust his fist forward and a green beam of energy shot from his knuckles and sped toward Jendrak. "Cyber Punch!" Ieru shouted.

     Jendrak swatted the attack away, and remained in his current position for several seconds before moving again. Jendrak's arm fell to his side, and he began to speak. "Ieru, that attack was pathetic, even for you." Jendrak said, smirking. Ieru's eyes narrowed in anger.

     "I'm going to destroy you where you stand for that!" Ieru shouted, pointing toward Jendrak.

     "Give me your best shot." Jendrak said. That is exactly what Ieru did.

To be continued...

Next time on Doomsday Rider VIII, Kelnak returns to face off against the strengthening Jendrak. Jendrak runs away and continues to make himself more powerful by absorbing the other four mysterious jewels.

Previous Episodes

Doomsday Rider VIII

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Three

Doomsday Rider VIII: Part Four

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