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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 67 > Articles > Neopian Chit Chat

Neopian Chit Chat

by csattanyasbliss

NEOPIAN BAZAAR- Last week, we all encountered and hopefully read the recently released Neopian Times for the scoop on the latest news as well as numerous opinions about any of Neopia's many features. Upon reading The Neopian Times, I stumbled across relationshipper's article, "Tried Neomail?" which I found entirely a good read but had a few disputes with the reaction her article spurred. Neopian chatters may find many of Neopia's Neochat boards cluttered with annoying "spam," beauty contest ads, and so called pointless posts, but have Neopia's chatters become too anal over the issue?

Many of Neopia's chatters find themselves revisiting their favourite boards because that is where they feel at home, a place where you recognise others, and even make a few friends. Although this does not excuse spamming the board with beauty contest ads as well as shop ads, and other means of advertisement, I believe that many Neopian's feel more comfortable asking those they are familiar with to take a look at their pet in the Beauty Contest, or possibly consider purchasing that petpet that's been sitting in their shop. Of course, there are many other boards where shop adverts and pleads for votes in the BC may be placed, but there isn't anything too terribly wrong with posting one ad so your friends may all see it at one time.

Relationshipper had a good point; Neomail is a great option for all Neopian's to communicate with their friends and others without clogging up the boards. I do suggest using Neomail when possible, but oftentimes Neomail is not option. Several experienced Neopians have blocked Neomail from others unless they have become your Neofriend, which makes it difficult to communicate by any means. Various Neopians also have clogged inboxes with over a hundred messages where they cannot receive more Neomails, usually without even realising it, they leave the messages there and many Neomails are never received. I know for a fact I've reached the mind-boggling limit of a hundred Neomails in my inbox, and without a helpful post found on the Neochat boards reading "CSATTANYASBLISS, CLEAR YOUR INBOX," I would have never realised it. There are many other ways were Neomail is no longer an option, and oftentimes, Neopians turn to the Neochat boards to find their friends, which I find absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Now on to those alleged pointless posts and rants. I personally enjoy most of them, ones with the subject line reading; "*pokes* so and so" or "*does a happy dance*" are always interesting. Obviously someone is reaching out to have a little fun, why not pull the whole group of chatters into the festivity. When I see a board displaying such subject lines as the above, I click right in there and start having fun too. Why not? Everyone likes to have a little fun here and there, its Neopia! I do suggest following a few of relationshipper's guidelines included below as well as some of my own:

1. Use Neomail or an instant messenger when possible. This keeps you from getting yelled at by loads of Neopians for useless boards or advertisements, besides Neomail and instant messengers are more personal and available at most times.

2. Go ahead and post a board if you just reached an important milestone or have a question. Got a shop ad? Try the Shop Advertisement Board first and foremost. Place your boards appropriately when possible, but like I said when you feel more comfortable with the people in a certain chat, then go for it. If you get a negative response, chances are they don't appreciate it and you probably shouldn't do it again.

3. Make sure you follow Neopia's Terms of Service before posting on any boards or creating any of your own. All Neopians should be familiar with the Terms of Service, and if not, then click the link and get reading!

4. Don't create multiple boards with the same subject or message. In other words, no copy and paste messages! These are considered spam in my book and are rather frustrating. You won't gain popularity by posting the same message over and over; popularity comes with fun and friends.

5. If you want to have fun and feel like *poking* the chatters in the Help Chat, go for it! Most of them will *poke* you back or make another silly gesture. But be forewarned, many people get sassy over the issue and post rude comments.

6. If someone yells about your board, don't take it personal. Consider the situation and their reaction. Was it appropriate? Avoid arguments at all costs; it just makes it harder on all Neopians in the Neochat because you end up with a few bitter chatters.

7. REMEMBER, Neochat is a place for CHAT. If you don't like someone's boards, there is no reason to post a message conveying that. Leave it be, Neopia is no place for cat fights!

With all this in mind, I hope you enjoy Neopia's Neochat boards. Remember to follow the guidelines, but most importantly, have fun and don't take it to heart when you encounter a rude chatter. See you around the Help Chat!

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