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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 20th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 62 > Articles > The Thirst for Knowledge

The Thirst for Knowledge

by relationshipper

LENNY LIBRARY - Many Neopians think it's pointless to raise their the intelligence of their Neopoints. I see so many pets that obviously have never had a single book read to them. But a big part of having Neopets is to take care of them and raise them, meaning you should make them smart too! The worst thing that can happen is to have your dim-witted Neopet pay ten thousand Neopoints for a 600 NP Top Tuskaninny book because they couldn't count their Neopoints. Intelligence is not as hard to raise or as costly as some people think, and this article will explain some of the ways to help your pet become more then just the average in intelligence Neopet*, without denting a hole in your bank where your Neopoints used to be :o)

The Almighty Books
Books are not just for burning in your NeoHome's fire place in the winter time anymore! They're one of the greatest (and most obvious way) to increase your pet's intelligence. The best place to buy them is without-a-doubt, the Book Shop. The cheapest books are usually found there in a huge quantity, but if restocks is not your thing, perhaps try the Shop Wizard to buy some, although the shop wizard's market prices are usually at least twice the price as the books in the book shops.

Book on the battledome Kau Pies!! Mmmmm! Where neggs grow ^_^

Books are of course not the only way to increase your pet's intelligence, you may also want to supplement their reading materials with some of the following, some with a cost, some absolutely free.

Behold the power of the genius negg!
The genius negg is not your ordinary negg, and it does not come cheap, but at approximately 19,000 NP, it still shouldn't prove to be a problem if you had some Neopoints stashed away for a rainy day. When you feed it to your pet*, the negg will crack revealing a random book (don't you just love surprises?). I just fed my pet one and he received a "Book on the Battledome". It should also increase your pet's intelligence by two points.

yummy and good for your neopets!

Cliffhanger may remind you of another classic game, but in the Neopets version, you will not only receive Neopoints but your pet has a chance of getting intelligence raised! It took about 10 rounds of cliffhanger for my pet to get increased intelligence, but put it this way, the Neopoints I made from playing cliffhanger was more than the Neopoints I had to pay to play ;) You can play this game as many times you want each day but the Neopoints you can earn each from Cliffhanger is limited to 1,500 NP.

Poogle Solitaire
This is another easy game which you can earn some Neopoints from, and if you are lucky, you might just received a Poogle toy, sometimes magical! As you might have guessed, intelligence may increase too. You can earn Neopoints from this game once per day but you can play as many times as you want to try and earn freebies.

Coltzan's Shrine
Let your pet walk up to the strange shrine* in the lost desert and they may just be lucky enough to gain a point (yes, a whole point) of intelligence. Other rewards may include Neopoints, level-up, strength, other stats, and dubloons.

I hope this article will encourage more people to read to their pets and play with them to make them more smart, and not just for the Book Award but for the goodness of your treasured Neopets. Although intelligence does not really affect your pet in anyway and it won't help your pet in the Battledome in anyway, why limit your Neopet's knowledge to only average when it can be a genius with some work? Happy reading, eating neggs, and game time to everyone!

*If you want to see how smart your Neopet is now, but don't know where, go to Quick Ref and look beside "Intelligence".

*Since the genius negg is still a food item, your pet will not eat it if it is too bloated, or is currently in the Neolodge.

*If you are going to try your luck with the shrine be sure to do it on one account ONLY, because if you go to the shrine on more than one account, you risk getting all of your accounts frozen.

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