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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 62 > Articles > Buying Books! What’s the Problem?

Buying Books! What’s the Problem?

by balderers

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Isn't annoying when you're said to yourself that you're going to buy at least fifty books today or you need a book for a quest etc. But your computer is being slow, or you're miraculously banned from the shop? If you have, then this is the article for you. This will help you with the ups and downs of buying books - for every book deserves an owner (I think).

The Easy Way
Buying books doesn't have to be hard. Here are a few (easy ways) of buying books:

• If you refresh a couple of times and see a new book appear, you should have a higher chance of buying it before it out of stock.

• Buy books that have six or more in stock.

• Scroll down to the bottom of the shop. Most people don't notice the books at the bottom.

• The lower the price of the book the less you should haggle.

• Buy books that our common; don't bother with the rare books. The chances of getting rare books are very low.


• Make sure you have enough money.

• Disable the pictures. (So it loads quicker)

• Check if there are and books. If not play some games and come back.

The Hard Way
If you are experienced in buying books, here are a few harder ways:

• You need to be quick with your fingers (use your left hand to type in the numbers and your right to press enter).

• Look at the price when you click on it and work out a price to haggle while it loads. In other word. Know what your going to type in!

• Type in easy numbers (e.g. 222 or 377).

• Wait at the book shop for at least 15 - 20 minutes. It should restock at least once.

Problems with Buying Books
Have you ever found that your banned from a shop or the book shop is acting funny. Here is what to do:

Banned - there's not much you can do apart from emailing Neopets. You just have to be patient. I suggest that you play some games for a while then check at the furniture shop (it's always stocked)

Slow computer - you have to be patient. Try the easiest ways of buying books, or play games.

Acting funny - what I mean by this is when it says "Due to massive demand on the Neopian Shops, you can only try and purchase one item every five seconds." Every single time you click on an item, or "something went wrong" "Click here to Go Back" and it takes you to the food shop! All you can do is wait for ages and then you can buy something. It usually lasts up to 10 minutes.

Hopefully this will help you with book buying. Remember every book deserves a owner!!!

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