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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 30th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 21 > Short Stories > Operation: Moltenore

Operation: Moltenore

by dragonshark173

Griffin's face seemed glued to the glass in front of the PetPet shop. His nose inflamed, his eyes bulging at the sight of one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen in his life. His tail furiously wagged, and his grin on his face was enormous. His gaze was broken by his newly adopted daughter, Indiana.

"You know, dad, we CAN go in," Indiana said with a light smile. She was a kind Wocky with fuzzy green fur and a mean bite. She was gently holding her new Cobrall, Surpento Fuerte (Fire Snake in Spanish), by the leash. Surpento used to be Griffin's old pet, but became so bonded with Indiana, Griffin had to give him up. Surpento was happier now, with his new owner, and he still got to see Griffin often, too.

"Uh... huh?" Griffin said, pulling himself away from the glass and putting his khaki cowboy hat back on and straightening in his red bandana. He was a tall, buff fire Lupe at the age of 24 in Lupe years. He turned around to see his daughter and gave a confused look, then shook out of it. "Oh... right. Kinda zoned out there for a second."

Indiana looked at Griffin blankly, then let out a half-giggle. The two walked into the store, and the bells set up gently rang. The shopkeeper, a young blue Tuskaninny, was silently listening to music through her headphones behind the counter and sipping a coco-whip slush. Griffin handed Indiana a handful of coins, five thousand Neopoints in total, and she quickly scuttled off to gaze at the many PetPets--Hopsos and Pickulasaurs, Abdominal Snowmen and Zebbas. There looked as if there were every single living breed of PetPet, and then some! The shop was huge. Counters were stocked high of PetPet treats, PetPet brushes, toothbrushes, combs, and other various grooming items. A counter full of PetPet paintbrushes of every colour were encased in glass cases, the Faerie one laying on a velvet pillow. Indiana gazed around like a six-year-old in an all-for-free toy store, her eyes sparkling as she grabbed various items to buy for her beloved Cobrall.

Griffin smirked as she saw her daughter running around merrily. He continued to pad up to the counter, his toenails chinking against the wooden floor. "Excuse me, ma'am," Griffin said, looking up at her, but she didn't look back. There was no reply. "Ma'am?" He repeated again, then shouted. "MA'AM? EXCUSE ME?" There was no reply once again. Griffin flipped the headphones off of the Tuskaninny and glared at her.

"What?" She replied with a blank look, as if nothing at all had happened.

Griffin rolled his eyes and sighed, then continued, putting a paw up on the counter. "How much for the Moltenore?"

"Oh, the PetPet aren't for sale," the girl at the counter replied and began putting her headset on again. Griffin pawed the headset down and looked up at her again.

"You mean to say that this is a PetPet shop where you don't sell PetPets? What kind of place are you running?" Griffin said with a disappointed look.

"My owner's collecting the things, not me. Willya buzz off already? I'm trying to work here," said the Tuskaninny, and put her headphones back on again.

Griffin stood there, his mouth half-open and his lip raised. He let out a half-laugh, half-sigh with a raised brow. This kid here is running a place here where she treats the PetPets like non-living items, Griffin thought, still angry. I can't believe this. The poor PetPets... they don't deserve to be cooped up like this! Especially that Moltenore, who needs even extra care... the poor guy. He needs to be able to get out an run around. A cage is no environment for him...

"Isn't this illegal?" Griffin said, destined to win the argument.

The Tuskaninny looked up at him disgustedly and pulled back an earphone. "No, it's perfectly legal. I feed the creeps and they get cleaned up. Abra kadabra, no animal abuse here. Now get out of here before I call the cops, and you can complain your way out of jail!"

Griffin snorted and turned around, Grabbing Indiana's arm. "Drop that stuff... we have no business here."

"But I didn't pay for it yet..." Indiana said, looking up at him.

"No, Indy. Put it away. We're going to go to a better shop, one that treats PetPets with love," Griffin said, loudly, on purpose. Indiana set all the supplies on the counter and dragged Surpento Fuerte along out of the shop. When they were safe outside, Griffin finally spoke again. "Look, Indy, that lady was abusing those PetPets. They weren't in the right environment, and she was putting them on display... like, like some sort of collection or something. I don't find it right at all!"

"Are you serious?" Indiana said, holding Surpento up and cuddling him in her arms. "That's so mean!!"

Griffin looked in the large display window of the room and saw the little Moltenore cuddled up in a mass of wood chips, shivering gently with a sad face on. Griffin touched the window with his paw and looked at the Moltenore, sadly, back at it.

"What are we going to do?" Indiana asked with a wrinkled brow.

"I don't know, Indy, but we have to do something," said Griffin with a determined glare.


Griffin and Indiana were back at their property, gently sipping hot cocoa in the barn after grooming Larie, Griffin's steed. Larie is a strange, yellow half-raptor half-Lenny creature who Griffin had rescued several months back.

"We can get the police to see how they're treating them. We can run them out of business," Indiana suggested.

"Nah, they'd never believe us. Didn't you see the paper on the wall that meant it was approved by the PetPet warden? Besides, even if we did run them out of business... the PetPets wouldn't have any place to go. The cops would take 'em to a pound or the streets or something. There are just too many of them," Griffin muttered, half to himself as Larie rubbed her beak against his shoulder.

"You got a point there..." Indiana said, then looked down to think.

Several minutes passed before Griffin spoke again. "You know, we CAN break in and take the PetPets to the large PetPet shop in the Neopian Bazaar. The Usul there takes good care of the pets; that's why her shop is so popular. I got Surpento Fuerte there, and all your uncles got their pets there as well."

"That's a great idea!!" Indiana said giddily and held her hot cocoa mug up high. "I'll get my things. We can do it tonight!"

Griffin caught Indiana by the arm before she scuttled off. "No way, Indy. It's too dangerous. If we get caught, I want to take all the blame. You have all your schooling and life ahead of you, and I'm not going to take it away from you... (this continues on for a while... )"

What Indiana hears: Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah... Blah blah blah. Blah blah, blah blah. Blah. No, you can't come. No, no, no, no, no. You can't because of this. Blah, blah, blah. Blah blah...

"Uhhhhh... right. Whatever, Dad," she said in a blank tone.

"Now please, get some rest. I'll see you in the morning," Griffin said. Indiana got up and pretended to walk off... until Griffin turned back around again to saddle up Larie for the trip. She turned around and hid behind the back of the barn, Surpento still cradled in her arms. He hissed and raised a brow up at his owner, and flipped his tongue in and out several times furiously.

Several minutes later, Griffin padded out of the barn with black rubber gloves covering his paws and black sunglasses on. Larie's sharp feet had Kougra paw-shaped boots on, so they wouldn't think it was Griffin at all. He was ready all right, very ready. Griffin guided his steed through the stone and dirt path with much ease, little to his knowing that a silent green Wocky and her Cobrall were following closely behind...

They reached the shop at midnight. Griffin got off Larie and let her stand there, untied, as he trusted her dearly. He turned around and nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Indiana standing right there with her Cobrall behind her.

"Indiana," He whispered in a strong and scolding voice, "What are you doing here? Do you have any idea how dangerous this is??" He paused, realizing that he could do nothing about it, and let out a deep sigh. "Fine. Just... stay here and make sure Larie doesn't get away, and keep an eye out if anybody comes."

Indiana rolled her eyes and leaned against Larie, stuffing her hands in her pockets. Griffin shook his head and climbed up onto the roof of the store, and, carefully, opened up a sun window. Griffin knew where it lead from there; as he remembered the tank of aquatic PetPets being bothered by the sunlight. He sniffed the air several times to make sure none of his fur was shed during the process. Check.

Griffin hit the ground without a sound and looked around at all the sleeping PetPets. He rushed over to the Moltenore and gently pet its head in a loving way, and it woke up, beaming its large and beautiful eyes at Griffin. It gently licked his paw as a sign of happiness and perked its ears up. Griffin smiled immediately and picked it up, carefully, and put it in the crate designed to fit four or five Lupes. He figured it would be able to fit the entire crew of PetPets, for a few hours, anyway, while they took them to the Usul PetPet keeper.

Within a half hour, all the PetPets were in the crate. Griffin smiled in success and began to climb up the ladder to get out of the sun window, but some unfriendly guests were there... some very, very unfriendly guests. Three jetsam police peered over the hole with clubs and weapons, and Indiana was tied up next to Larie. Griffin's eyes bulged. There was no way he could get out of this!!

WHAM!! Suddenly the first jetsam was down. WHAM! The second one--down. The third one, the largest and strongest of the group, stood up and faced the thing that sent the other two down. Whoever that was... a girl about age 12... long, brownish-blonde hair... oval-shaped glasses... tan field jacket... blue jeans... silver dog tags... the hat. The brown fedora hat from a favourite adventure movie. Griffin immediately recognised her as the one and only Sharky, Griffin's owner.

Her nostrils flared as she stood up against the oncoming jetsam, using her cunning and strength to outwit him. The brute cop dashed after her with his head, but she dodged out of the way and knocked him in the back of her head with the back of her hand in an almost perfect ridgehand attack to the back of the neck. The jetsam snorted furiously and pounced on her, sending her to the ground. The jetsam angrily hit her several times in the face, holding the collar of her shirt menacingly. Sharky kicked the jetsam in the stomach and sent it flying across the roof, joining the other two Jetsams on the other side of the roof. All were unconscious. Good.

Sharky smiled and relaxed as Griffin got up out of the window and set the huge cage of PetPets on the roof. Sharky took the cage and brought it down in her hands from the roof, setting it down next to Larie. She untied Indiana and looked back at her pets. "Listen, you guys..." she said in a stern voice. "Griffin, that was dangerous! You KNOW to always have a lookout on the watch when doing an operation. Have I taught you nothing?"

Griffin recoiled slightly and bowed his head, his ears pressed flat against his head in sadness and his tail kept towards his body. "Err... sorry?" he said, not making eye contact with his owner, who was also his sensei (teacher of karate), drill sergeant, and teacher.

"Griffin, look. I need to get back home. But anyway, feel lucky that I was there just in time for help," Valerie said, twisted her mouth and turned around to get on her helmet and climb onto her Harley-Jetsamson motorcycle. She sped off, picking up dust, back to the house.

Surpento hopped into the sitting Indiana's lap before she spoke. "Dad, how did Sharky know we were in trouble?"

"I don't know. Nobody knows. It's like asking if the Loch Ness monster exists or not," Griffin said.

Indiana gave him a flustered look. "Huh?"

"Human thing," Griffin said, rolling his eyes. "Sharky taught me about it."

The sun had only begun to rise when Griffin arrived at the Usul PetPet shop. It was huge and suited every PetPet's needs. It was almost like a paradise.

Griffin and Indiana stood at the well-polished marble counter of the shop, waiting for the Usul shopkeeper to notice them, as she was busy holding up a Puppyblew with a furiously-wagging tail and saying how cute it was in a baby voice. She opened one eye and saw Griffin and Indiana, blushed, then put away the Puppyblew into her cage.

"Uh... Miss? We have some PetPets here..." Griffin began. The aging Usul waddled up to the counter as Griffin heaved the crate on the countertop. The Usul gasped and blinked, not believing her eyes.

"Where did these come from?" she asked in disbelief.

"Well, can you keep a secret?" Griffin asked. The Usul suspiciously nodded. He told her the whole thing.

After the dilemma was over with, Griffin ended in a big smile and patted the crate. The Usul chuckled under her breath and opened the cage gently, taking the first pet she saw, a Splyke, in her paws. "They've been abused all right. I can't handle all of them at once," She looked up at the two. "I'll have to hire a veterinarian. I'm good friends with a Gelert who knows much about the health of PetPets... old Edith sure will come in handy, she will. You two saved many little lives today... I don't know how to repay you."

"You don't," Griffin said immediately, right before Indiana was about to ask for a certain plushie she had been wanted for ages. "We did it for the good of the PetPets. Our repayment is that the PetPets are all in safe paws."

The Usul twisted his mouth in concern. "Well... I really don't want you to leave empty handed. Your daughter can have any two PetPet items in the store if she likes... but I wish you could have something, too, from my shop, but you look like the kind that already has a PetPet..."

"Oh, no, Miss," Griffin said. "My daughter here has one, a kind Cobrall that I myself used to own. But I am PetPetless."

"Why didn't you say so?" The Usul said, brightening up. "Listen. You choose any one PetPet you want in the entire store, any breed, for free."

"Seriously?" Griffin asked.

"Seriously," the Usul replied.

Griffin and Indiana looked at each other in awe as a huge grin came across their giddy faces. Indiana bolted across the room, grabbing various items and deciding which items to get. Griffin's heart leaped as he approached the cage of PetPets that he rescued and picked up, ever-so-gently, the little Moltenore he had his eye on for the longest of times. He held it tightly to his chest, and the Moltenore gave out a chuckle of glee and freedom.

"I'd like the Moltenore, ma'am," Griffin said plainly and cuddled the PetPet in a loving way.

The Usul smiled and nodded kindly. "A wise choice, my friend. Treat her with respect."

"Her?" Griffin said, confused.

The Usul chuckled and nodded. "Yes, she's a girl. Didn't you know that? Take good care of her."

Griffin smiled again, anyway. All along he thought she was male, but it didn't matter much to him. He still loved the little Moltenore, no matter the gender. He had saved this PetPet's life, and now she was safe with him--and that was all that mattered.

Epilogue: Indiana walked out of the store with a black-silk-diamond-studded collar and leash set for her beloved Cobrall, plus a box of gourmet snake treats from France. Both her, and Surpento Fuerte were extremely jolly that day, acting like a princess and the royal pet, pretending to be filthy rich from the gifts from the kind Usul. Griffin walked out with one he dearly loved; not just a PetPet, not an item to collect, but a loving, kind, friend.

The End

Author's Note: Unfortunately, Griffin337, my Lupe, the star of the story, doesn't truly have a Moltenore If you have a Moltenore you would like to trade or sell, please contact me.

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