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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 18 > Continuing Series > Snow Job: Part Eleven

Snow Job: Part Eleven

by scriptfox

Normally speaking, I would have had the day off on Sunday after getting zapped by the lab ray. But not this one. Things were moving too fast, and the situation was still unresolved. I was almost at the end of my part in it, though. There remained one last crucial point before I could only sit back and hope it all worked out.

Sabre-X had contacted the First Councilor of Terror Mountain, and told him that we needed to have an emergency briefing today. They knew, of course, that we had captured the Lupe who had been causing the avalanches the previous morning, and that Sabre-X had interrogated him. Since the next day would be the day when the official court pleadings would be entered, they knew the value of a heads-up before anything happened and they had all promised to be there. Well... almost all.

Kyruggi had made it very clear to me that I was not going to back down on my earlier promise to give an account for my actions, and as such, Sabre-X went to his meeting with me as his helper. I entered the council chamber behind him, noting the eleven Bruces there, talking to each other in low tones. They didn't notice me, which I didn't mind- much.

The talking died as they saw Sabre-X stride in, and First Councilor Tramin called the meeting to order. They didn't bother wasting time with the minutes. In fact, there was no secretary present at all. Although we were in official chambers, this meeting would not show on any official records, so we could feel free to give the honest situation. Considering what the situation was, that was all to the good.

"Gentlemen, Ladies, Sabre-X has very important information for us regarding the avalanches. As I'm sure you all know by now, our fears of a rather inconclusive and drawn-out investigation have been proven false, but have been replaced by the more shocking fact that the disasters were deliberately set acts of sabotage, and not normal acts of nature. I am like you, though, in that I don't know any of the details. Sabre-X, would you please tell us the exact situation that we face?"

"Right," Sabre-X responded rather shortly. "The situation is simple. We did catch the Lupe doing the sabotage, we have interrogated him, and he has given us testimony leading towards the pet, or pets, who hired him." He waited until the buzz of speculation died down. "No, he was not acting alone, I'm sorry to say. He was financed and set up by one of you. Please! I do not mean that personally, but only in a general sense." The near shouting that had broken out died down, but the air remained tense. "Some of you have probably noticed that the sole Blumaroo on the council is not here today."

"Yes, we have all been talking about that," one lady councilor remarked. "He caused us all of this trouble by pressing publicly for action of some kind, then he's not around to see the results."

Sabre-X nodded. "With very good reason. He caused you the trouble in more ways than one. He was the one who decided to cause the avalanches, who masterminded the process, and who financed it."

I winced at the roar that came from everyone at the table. It was a good thing Bruces didn't have stronger builds, I thought, or the council table would have disintegrated from the blows of fists beating on it about then. Sabre-X simply waited with a statue-like stillness while they spent themselves and began a more coherent talk.

"Tramin!" one of the councilors called. "I demand that you, as head of this council, immediately order the arrest of Bloriarity on charges of sedition, attempted murder, and wanton acts of public disobedience!"

"No, wait!" BelindaU, head of the educational affairs cried. "First we must remove the taint by formally ousting him from the council! That's in the constitution, and we must do that before anything else!"

"All academic if we don't know where he's at!" thundered another councilor. "We can make speeches all day long, but if he's fled the country, we can't do a thing to him! I say call out the police with an all points bulletin to hold him immediately!"

Tramin gaveled as loudly and for as long as he could to get everyone quieted down . Finally the talking stopped, not because they didn't have anything more to say, but because everyone was waiting to hear what orders he was going to give.

He never had a chance to give those orders. Sabre-X smoothly resumed talking. "I commend you for your public spirit, ladies and gentlemen, and your ideas all have merit, not to mention justifiable urgency. But before you do something you'll regret later, you need to remember that you have a large part of your population on the verge of open rioting, if not downright revolt. You are sitting on a powder keg right now, and a couple of minutes of consideration could make all the difference between peace and war."

"It could also mean the difference between Bloriarity facing justice, and him getting away!" said the councilor who had called for the police to capture Bloriarity. I recognised him as Turnkey12, the NeoPet who owned the chemical factory.

"Ah, well, there I'm afraid I have some bad news," Sabre-X replied. "Councilors, may I introduce my assistant, MonoKeras."

I stood up, and hissed to Sabre-X in an undertone, "some prep you gave, they're about ready to eat me."

"Bon Apetit," he murmured back with a straight face and subtly retreated to leave me to fulfill my side of this bargain.

I gulped as they all stared at me. I could see the contempt in their eyes. No one takes a male Faerie Cybunny seriously. Trust me, I know! I was entering this situation with two strikes against me.

"Councilors, I have been involved in this investigation from the start, and I am intimately aware of the legal case that we are facing. That means I know that you stand a very poor chance of convicting Bloriarity in a court of law."

"That doesn't answer my question!" Turnkey12 declared. "I want to know where he is!"

"Anywhere except Terror Mountain, I should think. Maybe not even in Neopia, if he can get away with it," I replied with a defensively bland air.

"Hold it!" BelindaU said, forestalling another blast from Turnkey12. "First, you say we can't convict him, then you declare he has fled. It doesn't fit... MonoKeras? If he can't be prosecuted, why would he flee?"

"Because I confronted him yesterday," I replied. "I realised he would know soon what the score was, and I also realised that there was no way you could avoid committing political suicide by trying to prosecute him. Magical evidence is not permissible in a Neopian court of law, but that was the crucial link in proving that he financed the whole thing. Without that, we can only make a reasonably good circumstantial case."

BelindaU tapped the table with staged impatience as I paused for breath. "Now you are not answering my question," she replied. "Only justifying your own actions in apparently aiding and abetting this criminal's escape. But why should he flee?"

I took a deep breath. "Because, when he knew no Neopian court of law could do anything to him, I scared him with the Faerie Queen." Baffled looks went around the table until I continued. "He had his agent obtain explosives from the fire faeries. Using that explosive to provoke possible civil war, or at least open riots, is a violation of the agreement between Neopia and the Faerie Kingdom. He scoffed at that too, until I reminded him that the Faerie Queen is a law unto herself. If she thinks she might be held liable for an incident which he provoked, she is perfectly capable of either ending his existence, or, more likely, making it so miserable that he would long for it to end. Wouldn't you flee if you knew the anger of the Faerie Queen was about to be directed your way?" There were numbed nods around the table.

"So, MonoKeras, you take the law into your own hands--"

"No, I didn't," I replied. "I made no prosecution at all."

"You deliberately manipulate affairs by allowing this unspeakable villain to escape, and then you stand here and tell us about it. You are either a fool, or you are very confident in your ability to justify yourself."

I steadied my gaze upon BelindaU. She'd neatly taken over the interrogation- there was no other word for it- and if I didn't convince her, I might as well get ready to get acquainted with my new Lupe cell mate. "Councilor," I said softly, "why are you angry at what Bloriarity did?"

She blinked. "I'm angry because he committed sedition, had atrocities committed, and deliberately used them to foment political unrest and distrust!"

"Good. Now, to defeat him, shouldn't your first priority be to overcome that political unrest? Shouldn't it be to satisfy your people that you are acting in their interests?"

"And what better way than to show vigorous action in the capture of the criminal responsible?" she retorted.

"Oh, you already have the criminal responsible--our Lupe friend, k9evil1 as he is called."

She waved a hand dismissively. "A simple pawn. Useless unless we have the mastermind behind it all."

"No, he's going to be incredibly useful because he is all you can afford to implicate. I talked with Bloriarity, remember, and he threw in my face the very fact that you seem intent on ignoring. You can't prosecute him without threatening to bring your own government down. Think about it. You, a government of Bruces, are faced with angry Blumaroos. Your response? To find as a scapegoat for your own political atrocities the one Blumaroo who has stood up for them all of this time."

"Nonsense!" thundered Turnkey12, "no reasonable pet will consider such an obviously self-serving story told to cover guilt!"

"Of course not," I retorted. "But most reasonable pets will be Bruces, and most Unreasonable ones will be Blumaroos! You'll be driving in the wedge between your people that Bloriarity set for you! And don't give me that line about pets believing the truth when they see the evidence. You're all politicians, and you know very well that pets believe what they want to, no matter how ridiculous it seems. And, whether you've done it yourself or not, you know very well that playing on those prejudices is what leads to political support! Bloriarity was in a perfect position. Either you accepted him as saviour in helping force you into finding the Lupe, or else you turned him into a martyr to cover your own illegal deeds. Never mind that there were none, it would make sense to the ones you most need to convince otherwise!"

A few of the councilors shifted their eyes away from me, and I could tell that I had scored some points. Even BelindaU was studying me with more thought than rage. "So, what would you have us do?" she asked, with that menacing undertone still present.

"Your first priority is to bring your people together," I replied, "and to do that, you've got to convince them that you care about their interests. That means Blumaroos, Blumaroos, Blumaroos It means you prosecute that Lupe as quickly and as publicly as possible, and that you hold him up as the sole villain in the scheme. It also means that you outwardly divert speculation away from who his backer was, by saying it's all over and we need to move on. But, no, you don't let Bloriarity get away with it, you let leaks occur so that OTHER pets are asking the questions that need asking, and are finding out for themselves what the truth is! They may not take it from you, but let someone else that they DO trust come to that conclusion, and they're more likely to listen."

The silence in the room was nearly absolute. I could see the political calculations going on behind everyone's eyes. At last, the First Councilor finally got his chance to speak up. "So, would you have any other suggestions as to what to do?"

Even though it was asked with a dry, half-barbed manner, I treated it seriously. After all, none of them were about to turn on a Neopoint, admit that they had me wrong, and openly began fawning on me. "Actually, yes. You've got the perfect opportunity to be out there publicly helping the Blumaroos by passing all sorts of emergency aid to help them rebuild AND perfect opportunities to make personal contacts by going out there and helping do some of the building yourself."

BelindaU gave me a wintry smile. "You forgot to add that those occasions would be perfect campaign fodder for all of us, showing all Neopians that we care."

I nodded to her respectfully. "You are correct, madam, and I knew there would be no need for me to say it to this intelligent group of pets."

Her only response was a short laugh. "Mr. Chairman, I move that Sabre-X back there give us hard copies of the findings from his investigations, and that the meeting then be adjourned without further discussion."

"I second it," another councilor chimed in.

"What? Are we just letting him go?" Turnkey12 inquired. I could hear the disgust dripping off that word, 'him', and knew he didn't like my faerie colouring any better than I did. Oh well. We were both just going to have to live with it.

Tramin ignored the question. "Motion has been made and seconded. I call for a voice vote. All ayes?" A rather ragged chorus answered him. "Nays?"... dead silence. "Motion passed. Sabre-X, give us your written information, and then you two are free to leave." He cast a significant look at me as he said that last phrase.

Neither of us argued. We quickly took the not too subtle hint to get lost. Outside of the council chamber, I breathed a vast sigh of relief. Sabre-X chuckled. "Kyruggi said you'd pay for that one," he remarked.

"I know. I was just hoping it wouldn't be that rough. But it looks like I managed to overawe them, even if I am in the form of a Faerie Cybunny instead of my normal gold Uni self."

Sabre-X laughed again and lost no hesitation in pricking my balloon. "You don't get away with it that easily," he said. "I was there and I saw you wilting in front of them when they were mad at you. The reason you convinced them is because they saw you pleading for your life, not because you scared them into anything. Hard to turn down a faerie anything with those big blue eyes begging for understanding."

I tried hitting him on the shoulder, but I might as well have hit the wall instead for all the good it did. "Oh, you!" I spat. "Very well, have it your way. But Kyruggi was right."

"Oh? About what?"

I snorted again. "As if you didn't know. I am officially sick of politics, that's what she was right about."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Snow Job: Part One

Snow Job: Part Two

Snow Job: Part Three

Snow Job: Part Four

Snow Job: Part Five

Snow Job: Part Six

Snow Job: Part Seven

Snow Job: Part Eight

Snow Job: Part Nine

Snow Job: Part Ten

Snow Job: Part Twelve

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