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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Hunting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 8 > Articles > From the Desk of a Guild Owner

From the Desk of a Guild Owner

by Angel_Today

Many people think owning a guild is easy, not much work and you just get to sit around and let your members do everything but your sadly wrong unless you want to lose members, I am a hard working Neopian that always does something for my guild. I have to I don't want to lose friends I want them to have fun!

Some ideas are games, no... not NeoPets ones--your own games. It might be like a guess game where you allow people to guess something on your guild and then they send it in to your e-mail and could win a prize for being correct.

Another idea is a guild giveaway, these attract many members as they get something for free, I do something like Mystery Events where a person in the guild who writes on the board can win a prize, but it is random so it could happen once, twice or twenty times a day, it depends how nice you want to be.

Also, try not having many things were people have to donate, many people don't like to donate things especially new Neopians as they don't have much to offer and need NP themselves.

Guild Advertising: Don't go to overboard, there is no point of spending 2,000,000 NP for a message on the notice board if you are only going to advertise a guild that will only get about 50-100 extra members, it is best to write a message just once on the guild board every 30 minutes in the NeoPets chatroom.

Active members, try to Neomail your members as much as you can, don't block yourself from them they are mostly nice and helpful and some members who like your guild really do want to you help, you don't know what your missing until you give them a chance!

Guild Layout: One of the most important features of a guild is how it looks, surely you don't want a guild that you cant read the writing or is just to dark or bright so you cant see anything. Try to space out your stuff and make it neat and pretty, you will soon start seeing many members coming to your guild.

Jobs: Many members will want a job as there might be lots you don't have that they can do, try to offer no more than 10 jobs or as many jobs as you can afford, if you give them a job that involves them spending Neopoints, try to compensate them unless they offer it for free. Many members aren't rich and it is very hard to have rich members in your guild.

I hope I have helped many of you a little bit, and remember a guild is to be fun, not to hate someone or something, try to keep it happy and active and in no time members will be coming from everywhere all across Neopia.

Yours Truly,


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