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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 137 > Continuing Series > Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part Three

Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part Three

by monarchistknight

Suddenly, Majest got knocked over. The beam stopped pulling in Aych.

     "Capernaum! Boy, am I glad you showed up!" Aych said, looking at the hooded white Blumaroo who'd saved her. "Get someone to bring him in the Spysub."

     "No problem, Aych. I'll just rewrite history," Capernaum said mystifyingly. Everything he said was just a little bit cryptic. It more his voice than the words. Suddenly, Majest disappeared and was locked up in the prison at Spyworks HQ.

     "Sometimes your power takes the fun out of everything," Aych said rolling her eyes. "Did you bring the other Operation Neopia members? Oh, and if you didn't, there's no need to rewrite history so that they appear right in front of us like you did the time you forgot you had to cook lunch for the Spyworks crew." Capernaum just smiled.

     "They're here. Sometimes I do things the old-fashioned way," Capernaum said. The seven other Operation Neopia members and Commander Dawson came out of the SpySub each wearing a nifty diving suit.

     "What's going on? Where are Kaleigh and Nahum?" Ashley asked the two spies.

     "Kaleigh went through the roof and is trying to destroy the whirlpool," Aych said to the six pets and their leader. The group saw Kaleigh closing in the whirlpool and hurried to stop her.

     "Don't worry, she'll be okay! Nahum watching to pull her out if the rampage stops. The whirlpool is a giant robot so it should be destructible," Aych said holding the pets back.

     Kaleigh had reached the whirlpool. With a burst of rampage, she flew through the whirlpool's spin. Each time she was moved under her own will by the force of the whirlpool, she got angrier until she could contain it no more. She flew herself into the middle of the whirlpool where the robot was. She struck it with a powerful blow with her enraged tentacles and caused it to fall to the ground. The whirlpool stopped spinning and only the machine remained. Kaleigh pounded it until it exploded. She flew back twenty feet and landed with a thud. Nahum came to tend to the Acara, wary that she could still have the Rampage.

     "Kaleigh, are you alright?" Nahum asked. The Acara opened her eyes to reveal they were their regular white with brown pupils.

     "I think so," she panted. Capernaum, Aych, and Dawson swam over to the two. The other Operation Neopia members were inside the Spysub that was making it's way towards them. Capernaum kneeled down in front of the Acara, and Dawson introduced him to her.

     "Kaleigh, this Capernaum. He can help you. You just need to do something for him," Dawson said soothingly. Kaleigh nodded. She'd do anything to be rid of the rampage that plagued her.

     "Time is of the essence, Kaleigh. You must describe to me the moment you got the Acaran Rampage. Where you were, how you felt, other events going on, things like that. If I can visualize that moment in time, I came be there and alter it," Capernaum said revealing his power to the Acara.

     "I was on the Redmaroo River Rapids in a little yellow inflatable boat. I was white-water rafting, although I was only four. I had my owner to help me learn how to do it. I felt safe but then we hit a huge rock. I fell out of the boat and hit the water hard," Kaleigh said. Capernaum waved his hand.

     "I see it! I'm making my way there!" Capernaum said, closing his eyes. "This is odd. Dawson told me you were only twelve. Why must I travel so far back through time?" Kaleigh was shocked.

     "I'm 12! I've had 12 birthdays I can remember!" she said unbelieving.

     "You can't remember every single birthday in your life Kaleigh, but you do however remember your 34th through 46th birthdays, no?" Capernaum said. "I'm still not there. All I see is darkness, like you were asleep, maybe in a coma, for many years. That must've slowed the rampage's progress."

     "I'm 46? I'm not 46! I'm 12! I'm twel-," she said, crying. "What's wrong, Dawson? Why am I 46?" Dawson looked at the poor pet.

     "When you have the Acaran Rampage, you don't age, only get older. You continue to live, but you're body stays the same as it did when you got the disease," Dawson said. Kaleigh understood, but still didn't like it.

     "I'd rather age and not have the Acaran Rampage, than never age and go mad every few days," Kaleigh said, more to herself than to anyone in particular.

     "Okay, I'm finally here!" Capernaum exclaimed. "I see you. You're about to hit the rock. I'm moving it safely away." Suddenly, all history was altered. Kaleigh was startled.

     "Who are you? Where am I? Where's my Pink Poogle Toy? I WANT MY PINK POOGLE TOY!!" Kaleigh wailed.

     "Something's wrong, Capernaum! When you did that, did you check the future to see the results of your actions?" Dawson asked Capernaum. Capernaum shook his head.

     "I always seem to forget, but don't worry, I'll fix it," Capernaum said, regretting his mistake. History went back to normal.

     "Hurry, Capernaum! My calculations show that the next rampage starts in four minutes!" Nahum said quickly. Capernaum started to fret.

     "I don't know what to do! Wait! Dawson, I need you to describe the first Acaran Rampage case to me. Read this page of this book," Capernaum said handing Dawson a book entitled Psychology 101.

     Dawson read the page. "Ye first Acaran Rampage case happened in the olde year 13 BN." Dawson looked up at Capernaum. "You got this book from the Turmaculus didn't you?" Capernaum nodded. Dawson sighed. Meridellian was so hard to read. "There beith a young, yet brilliant doctor forsooth, and heith beith upon hisith way to ponder upon ye olde strange occurrences in one Acara, named WHAT?! What kind of a name is that?"

     "It's a Meridellian name. Just read it please," Capernaum sighed.

     "One Acara named Farethyuianewdret Ghertyiqupotylioner. Phew. Ye olde doctor trippith uponith an Uggatrip on the way and didn't makith it. Ith," Dawson finished exhausted. Farethyuianewdret Ghertyiqupotylioner?? "Capernaum beith ye, I mean are you there yet? Are you with Faretheyuian something or other's doctor?"

     "Yes. It took a while, but I'm here," Capernaum said. He looked around his landscape. It looked a lot like Meridell in 13 BN. The Bluebells made their lovely ringing sounds and the Mordongos floated a little bit off the ground. After a long time of looking, he saw the doctor. It was a Gelert. It seemed many doctors were Gelerts. He looked at his feet. An Uggatrip was right in his path. Now something was odd about this moment in time. An Uggatrip in 13 BN Meridell? Meridellians had never heard of Tyrannia at this time, nor had Tyrannians ever even seen Meridell. Someone had put it there to stop the doctor from reaching what's her name, but who? There was only one person Capernaum knew of.

     "General Hyreum," was all that escaped Capernaum's mouth. Now was the time to rewrite history. Using only his mind, he removed the Uggatrip from 13 BN Meridell. Suddenly, it felt like Capernaum was going through a time warp. He found himself back in Maraqua.

     "So what's the cure for Acaran Rampage?" Capernaum asked Dawson. Dawson laughed.

     "You don't know! It's been taught through every school in all Neopia since 4 BN and you don't know! That's really funny, Capernaum!" Dawson busted up laughing. At least it worked, Capernaum thought to himself.

     Aych swam over to them. "Kaleigh needs the medicine to cure the Rampage now. I'll get Len now," she said. She boomed, "LEN! LEN! LENEKIA GET OUT HERE NOW!" A gloved red Kougra, wearing the same mask and tanks as all the others, rushed out of the Spysub.

     The name Lenekia resounded in Cody's mind. He had heard that name before when he was young. Lenekia. Where had he heard that before?

     "Yeah, what is it Aych?" Len asked.

     "We need a Neezles Jab, but change the Neezles Juice to an Acaran Rampage Coolant," Aych ordered the red Kougra. Lenekia nodded, rushed into the sub, and came out with the Neezles Jab.

     "This will only take a moment," Lenekia said, bewildering all the others except Aych and Capernaum who knew very well what Len was about to do. After pulling off his gloves and placing both hands firmly on the Jab, the liquid inside turned light blue, then red, then green, then dark purple, and finally a striped liquid with all four colors on top of each other. "Done! Here's your A.R.C!" Len handed it to Capernaum and put his gloves back on.

     Cody was mystified. How'd he change the Neezles Jab into an Acaran Rampage Coolant? "What did you do?" he asked. Len looked at him.

     "You're Cody, right? Codisu Hausu?" he asked in shock.

     Cody nodded. "That's right, Lenekia. You would know that, being my first brother and all." The other seven of Operation Neopia were all stumped. His first brother? Weren't Samuel and Tony his first brothers? All except Timothy, who had heard Cody's story in STARTS.

     "His first brother was when he was still a slave with his cruel owner and he escaped, leaving his two brothers and sister behind," Timothy explained.

     "Yeah. It's been a long time since we've seen each other," Cody said. "So how long have you been with Spyworks?"

     "About a year now," Lenekia said.

     "So you're telling me, all the time I was locked up in the pound, you were having fun with Spyworks?" Cody asked. Len raised an eyebrow.

     "We have a LOT of catching up to do. I never knew you were in the pound at all Cody," Len said. Aych whistled for their attention.

     "It's a very touching reunion, but can we get back to the task at hand please?" Aych asked the two brothers. They nodded. Aych stabbed the medicine into Kaleigh forehead.

     Kaleigh suddenly had a tingling sensation all over her body. Had it worked? Only time would tell.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part One

Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part Two

Operation Neopia: The Whirlpool -- Part Four

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