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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Relaxing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 97 > Short Stories
Another Class in Magic

Tadayo couldn't believe it. Boraxis had managed to completely change his chamber with just a spell. And someday Tadayo might be able to do the same.

by too_kule

Dark Passages

"Mwahahaha... last time using those stupid Grundos didn't work… this time I will rule all of Neopia! Mwahahaha!"

by lotr_luvr_2002

Fallen: Faeries

"Okay, little Cybun, I’ll send you to see an Uber Faerie. Just don’t blame me if you come back out with less limbs than you started off with."

by oily106

Lady Falcon

A Faellie sat, perched on my right arm. I grinned, thinking about the "Lady Falcon" comments. I would have to tell everyone about my "Lady Faellie" experience.

by superixionffx

My Dinner with the Ixi of Doom

 "And I was wondering… would you like to come to our NeoHome for a nice dinner tomorrow? My Gelert cooks the most wonderful Tigersquash casseroles!"

by battlesunn

One of a Kind

I wasn't really good at anything. Mom gave all of the good Battledome equipment to Aecadia, so I couldn't be a good fighter...

by ilovebunnees

Padded Walls

"Now you listen very carefully, I own you. Without me you would be nothing, just some homeless petpet living in the street..."

by ladyfire626

Peace, Police and Purple Signs

"What did they do officer?" I asked, dreading the answer.

by stormydreamer

Swamped with Seaweed

"Krawker -- how many times MUST I tell you not to leave the water running before you go to bed?"

by apparent

The Case of the Missing Petpets

“I am sure you have heard of the hundreds of petpets that have gone missing in Neopia Central..."

by beatlechic03


Human Nurture

Neopia is a wonderfully diverse world filled with many different strange and interesting species, perhaps the strangest and most interesting of which is the human. Since their first mysterious appearance in our world a few years ago, humans have multiplied like Snowbunnies, and seem to have made themselves a permanent presence in Neopia... more>>

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Pound Top 10
While randomly looking about myself, I kept noticing that a lot of pets at the pound were of certain breeds.

by chocoboasylum

Caring For Your Human: The Basics
Since their first mysterious appearance in our world a few years ago, humans have multiplied like Snowbunnies, and seem to have made themselves a permanent presence in Neopia.

by tdyans

Dragon Thieves: Assassin Integrity -- Part One
MiracleStar hadn't taken much convincing to let us all go to the Lost Desert for a bit. She locked up the house and we were off.

by child_dragon

Truth of Faeries: Part One
"You expect us to willingly climb Terror Mountain, see the Snow Faerie, for nothing more than a few items!"

by shimmering_aurora

Bucky the Babaa
Just one bite...

by simsman24000

Mmmm, Neocola!

by twelve_52

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