Will it just be petpet related things on sale in Claires, or will you add more pet related products later on?
Claires will be selling only petpet merchandise for now, but that could change in the future.
There will be lots of different things to choose from including t-shirts, stickers, stationery, visors and plushies.
My you like capital letters don't you :) Yes we are aware that the first stores Neopets merchandise is sold in
are more girly, but we are working to get other merchandise on sale in independant toy and game stores that will be
more favourable for the guys to go in. At the moment it is looking like this will be Nov/Dec although this is not definite.
As soon as we have some new developments it will be posted on the Merchandise page.
When the petpets come to Claires, will there be rare item codes?
Yes, the stickers & notepads will have rare item codes.
I have two pets, an Elephante and a Lupe. They have each read the exact same amount of books, but the Lupe is a Super Genius
and the Elephante is still only a genius. Why?
Some individual Neopets are just more intelligent than others to begin with. I guess your Lupe was just born clever :)
Are the Disco Aisha going to be in stores again? Because the store I go
to still has a bunch of purple chias, it is like they keep restocking.
No, Disco Aisha is a rare event piece, much rarer than Purple Chia. Once they
are sold out they will not be brought back in.
How come the Neocam never moves?
Because we are too busy working to move the camera round everyday :) We do try to move it a couple of times a day, although
it really depends how busy we are (and if we have any cool goodies to show you all).
Are you going to make Petpet plushies. (REAL Petpet plushies?
Yes, real Angelpuss, Doglefox, Noil and Babaa plushies go on sale in Claires this week. They will also
be selling lots of other petpet related products including notebooks and stickers. (Currently this is just in
Claires stores located in Canada and the USA). For more details check the merchandise page.
In the NeoCam, I saw a small plastic blue Chia toy, is that going to come out in Limited
Too also?
No, that is just a little model of Adam's. If anything new is coming out we will announce it on the
Merchandise Updates page.
I'm glad you are selling merchandise in Canada, but why aren't you launching anything in Quebec?
We are working on putting Neopets merchandise in stores in Quebec, but we need to make a few changes to our
packaging (e.g add the french translation) first.
Can you show the pictures of what the Neopets look like before you paint them so if you
get a certain Paintbrush you will know which Neopet you should choose?
Yes, there is already a page that shows every Neopet in every paint combination they come in. Go to the
Rainbow Pool and click on the all colours link. This will now load a page
that lists all the varieties each pet can come in. Click on one to see what it looks like. (this will open
up in a new window)

Ahh... decisions, decisions...
My pet was eating a Omelette and she took one bite out of it. When I gave it to her
to eat again she said "Yuck!I'm not eating one of those!" Why won't she eat 2/3 of a
I guess your Neopet is a very fussy eater and doesn't want to eat anything that has already been chewed.
Just out of curiousity has anyone ever completed the Haunted House game?
Yes, lots of people have, although it is not easy. There is only one solution, you just have to
keep trying until you find it.
What's the difference between a "Morphing Potion" and a "Transmorgification Potion"?
(Besides one being much easier to type? :-) )
A morphing potion changes your Neopet to any other colour (except mutant). Transmogrification potions are evil mixtures
created by Sloth. They will ONLY turn your Neopet into a Mutant.
What do individual Neopoints look like? Is there an
image of them somewhere on the site or is it just a mystery?
There may be a few images of them somewhere. They are small shiny gold coins.
When answering the Faerie Crossword there are often questions concerning special battledome abilities of a
particular Neopet. How do I find out what they are?
There is no page that lists them all (come on that would make it WAY too easy!), but you can try
searching through New Features looking for the various pet days. Every Neopet gets some new
abilities on their special day and they will be in New Features. To see when the special pet days are,
go to 'WORLD' and click on 'CALENDAR'.
I clicked on the Gooseberry Mousse that was in my inventory, and among
the choices it listed, it said I could *Equip* my pets with it! Is it a secret
battle item, or was that just a glitch?
*cough* erm... it was a glitch, it has been fixed now :)
For the snowglobe staff, if you use it wrongly, does it get rid of ALL
of your snowballs EVEN in your inventory and SDB? Or does it just get
rid of all the snowballs equipped to your pet?
It just destroys all the snowballs you have equipped your Neopet with.
How did the idea of Peophins come about?
That was the last pet I created, I was basically doodling and drew the top half, but I didn't want to make it a normal
horse as we already had the Uni. It just got a variety of different bottom halves and the mermaid-like tail looked
Does Doctor Sloth have hairy arm pits?
You know I have never got close enough to see!
What are all of the magical Chia Pops?
Chokato, Pear, Aubergine, Pineapple, Plum, Avocado, Apple, Tomato, Peach, Lemon, Gooseberry, Lime and Blueberry.
What is a Neoscape?
Neoscapes are packs of small Neopets images that stick to your monitor, fridge, wall etc. They
are basically Neopian landscapes that you can put on things.
Need more help?
If you have a question that you think should be answered here, e-mail it to
editor@neopets.com. The most
common questions will appear here next week.