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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 27th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 49 > Articles > Cracking the Code: It

Cracking the Code: It

by teresatheperfect

GAMES ROOM - Codebreakers may seem like a daunting game to the average Neopian. It's not like Meerca Chase where you simply zoom around picking up neggs. It's really complicated and all you can do is guess, right? Wrong! Codebreakers is all about logic! It's all common sense. But maybe you don't understand how the game is played. Here are the rules: You have six different colours of codestones: red, white, yellow, orange, blue, and green. The codestones start out on red, but if you click on them their colour will change. The object of the game is to guess the four-codestone combination that is hidden up at the top. This isn't all guessing though! The computer will give you hints. After you put in your guess, the computer will give you a combination of up to four red or green slashes on the side of your guess. Each of the slashes represents one of the codestones in your guess. The trick is to figure out which codestone each slash represents. Here is what these slashes mean...

Green: You have a codestone that is the right colour, but not in the right place.

Red: You have a codestone that is in the right place and is the right colour.

No slash: You have a codestone that is not the right colour or in the right place.

For example: If you have two green slashes and a red slash, then that means that three of your codestones are the right colours, but only one is in the right place. Also, one of your codestones isn't even the right colour.

*Hint* If you have a guess that doesn't get any slashes, then that's great! That means none of the colours in your guess are in the correct answer! You can just forget about those colours for this round. Try to narrow down colours like this.

*Hint* The computer will give you extra Neopoints for finishing a round in under a minute, so go fast! Sometimes it's better to take a guess then to sit there thinking and let the time go by. Plus, it will give you extra Neopoints for completing five rounds in five minutes or less! (If you don't think this is possible, just try it. With practice it's really easy!)

*Hint* Yes, it is good to take a wild guess sometimes, but if you are down to your last couple of guesses, then you need to make sure you're right. Always, always, ALWAYS go back and check to make sure your guess fits the slashes on EVERY guess you made.

Okay, I've read about some other people's strategies for Codebreakers, and I think mine is pretty good, too.

First of all I start out with red-red-white-white. Then, if I get less than four slashes, I try yellow-yellow-orange-orange. If I still don't get four total slashes, then I'll try blue-blue-green-green. This way I get to try out all of the colours.

Well, that's all I can think of right now. Oh! By the way, Neopets has a new rule that you can only get a maximum of 500 Neopoints from each game of Codebreakers (and only three games a day). With these tips, I hope to see you all making 1,500 Neopoints every day from this great, logical game!

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