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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 37 > Articles > Skeith, Where Art Thou?

Skeith, Where Art Thou?

by saturnsenshikami

There are so many good sides to a Skeith...

...not that I can name many. Why have so many people (including myself) shunned Skeiths? This absurd question came to me at a phenomenal time. OR the other way around. Only ten minutes after three. In the morning. But, as great minds think alike, many would have to dub me insane. That's okay. I can stand being special. However, what to do... lie in bed, try to sleep for the math test tomorrow? Nah, not my style. Jump out of bed, hit your head, and not get up in the morning.

The Skeith issue. Ah yes, the loveable (not really) Skeith. So many would pass them up for a cute NeoPet, such as a Shoyru or Poogle. For some, tough is better, so sticking to a Jetsam or Grarrl with those darned snowballs would be reasonable. Possibly a rare pet is on your mind, so a Krawk or a Tonu is for you. But the Skeith. What on Neopia could influence someone to get a Skeith?

Maybe that it will eat anything? Sounds like an incredibly preposterous reason to me. How about the far-fetched sound of that it... looks *good*? Whatever it is, Skeiths unquestionably are picked on more than Krawks, and I am positive that I'm not helping.

With this unbearably funny inquiry on my mind, I sat down and turned on my computer. After missing the power button several times, I whipped out my flashlight and easily turned on the device. After emitting a loud "BEEP!!" my computer whirred steadily an quietly as though it had not woken up anyone else in the house.

FlamingKami jumped out of bed and asked tiredly, "Where's the fire?" I laughed and replied that my computer was NOT on fire, sleep is good for you, and impossible for me. So it was, as I could never become tired after playing so many rounds of Meerca Chase, followed by Tug of War.

The screen shone white in my face as the grey login screen asked me to 'Please enter your password for the preference settings and saved material of your computer.' After heaving an incredible sigh, I typed in the forbidden ***************** password and waited.

Meanwhile, I was being bombarded with questions from every side, courtesy of FlamingKami. Hence the sigh. What was I up to? How was I going to stay awake? Why did she have to sleep? Where was the ice cream... who this... what that... *yawn*

Ice cream!!! I jolted awake, knowing what would happen if my sweet little Gelert got her tiny paws on ice cream. I would never hear the end of it!! A scene was forming in my mind of the excitement and happiness of my pet after the small yet significant amount of sugar was processed through her system. I stumbled over the cords (disconnecting my computer) and stupidly lumbered through the halls.

"Oh. no..." I heard a disappointed voice from the kitchen, "There's none left. Darn. I wanted some. Mom?" The muttering subsided. My little girl walked back to me, and I bundled her up in my arms. Walking up the flight of stairs with FlamingKami snuggled against me, I smiled.

When I lay down my angel, she licked her lips sleepily and asked, "Tomorrow, can... erm... may I help you write your story?"

As she drifted into a deep slumber, I whispered, "Yes, darling, you may proofread the whole thing. Just... let me save it so it doesn't disappear." Her lips curled up like I had promised to take her to the park.

I walked back to my computer, wondering why I was up. Seeing the disconnected Internet lines, I knelt down and put them back in, then checked my computer's status. Operation was 100% clean, so I looked at my two words on the screen.

No Skeiths?

In case anybody was wondering, FlamingKami did indeed proof this, and found it true.

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