Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"And the workmanship is incredible..." he breathed. Detail on the blade caught his eye, and he angled it to catch the lantern light better. His jaw dropped. "Faerie runes. These were forged by the Faeries."

Jhudora's Day, No Evil

What if we don't like committing wicked deeds, boiling up trouble and casting evil spells? We law abiding Neopians still enjoy celebrating despite it being a dark faerie's day. If you're in the celebrating mood, but don't want to commit to the evil that Jhudora is known for, here are...

A Better (Neo)Life!

Neopets is full of creative and interesting ways to have fun, but for the long-time user, we can become so accustomed to the site that we stop seeing the potential it has. Instead of repeating the same bland actions every day, here is a list of five ways to spice up your game!

Getting The Right Guild

This is a guide to help you find a guild to make yourself comfortable in, or to help you create a guild that will be long lasting instead of just fizzling out over the initial rush of being new! Step 1: First off, you need to decide what type of guild you would like to join or create. The main question will be, "Public or Private?" Public guilds may have a large amount of members since they do not typically have any require...

Other Stories
"What's in a Name?" by turtling
The blue Zafara would let out a small sigh before correcting the teacher. "It's actually Shea-rah-jah," she would explain in the politest way possible. "But you can just call me Shea." Shea's unusual name was not...

"Friendship Means Never Giving Up" by noxlyx
"I know that everyone says that she's evil but... they were friends once..." said Breeze as he inhaled deeply. "And what better way to try and rekindle a long lost friendship than on Valentines Day?"

"Family Comes First" by plasticlizards
"Must.... beat... high score...." the gigantic, frightening mutant Bruce grumbled as he battled onward in the midst of a rough game of Mutant Graveyard of Doom II. He had been playing the game for days, stuck...

You Know You Want To

This week's issue is brought to you by: Jhudora's Quests
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and thus we see why I shouldn't play dice-a-roo...

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What Happened To Sophie's Hat: Part Two
Sophie had never enjoyed the Neopian Witches' Convention. She went out of a sense of obligation, and because it was always useful to know the other witches in Neopia, but the entire time, she was counting the hours until she could go home.

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Worth Fighting For: Part Four
"So that's when the Space Fungus started swarming our ship!" They had to have been walking for at least an hour, now, but Hyren was nowhere near running out of stories.

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Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Two
Clayton's prize was hidden in the corner - at first glance it appeared to be an ice sculpture, but as the Kougra approached closer, he realised there was something hidden inside.

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Snack Time!
Chocolate pets love chocolate!

by chyshie

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