teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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New Series

Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Eddetha the Immortal - Part One

Roxias liked Scout, he really did. In the months they'd traveled together, she'd become a close friend. However, there were times when he couldn't tell if the Zafara was insane or just had a really, really messed-up sense of humor...

by daniecelpines
Friendship Means Never Giving Up: Part One

Everyone deserved to love and be loved. Everyone deserved to have a friend and be a friend.

by noxlyx
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"Family Comes First" by plasticlizards
"Must.... beat... high score...." the gigantic, frightening mutant Bruce grumbled as he battled onward in the midst of a rough game of Mutant Graveyard of Doom II. He had been playing the game for days, stuck...

Other Stories


The Inventory
It was a strange sensation to jump into an inventory bag, Indi decided. It felt like mix between falling and floating...

by rosiecotten


Tales From Elysian Fields: Amelia Abbreviated
Amelia is very much aware of her Unfortunate State of Being, as many kind-hearted folks will often remind her.

"You make me feel so tall!"

by bug0704


Getting The Right Guild
Thousands of guilds have been created in all areas of Neopia since the beginning of neo-time, with handfuls of new ones sprouting up each day.

by chunky12316


5 Tips to a Better (Neo)Life!
Neopets is full of creative and interesting ways to have fun, but for the long-time user, we can become so accustomed to the site that we stop seeing the potential it has.

by sweetj912


Aisha Hair
and thus we see why I shouldn't play dice-a-roo...

by fuzzykit12


Be Careful What You Fish For
This hungry Zafara got more than she bargained for at the fishing hole.

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667

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