Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Continued Series

It Takes a Thief: Part Eleven

Kanrik didn't have to argue with her again, because Mortman said, "When the king started throwing fire around, all of them ran for it. Sweet Fyora, I'd have run for it..."

by saphira_27
Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Two

Clayton's prize was hidden in the corner - at first glance it appeared to be an ice sculpture, but as the Kougra approached closer, he realised there was something hidden inside.

by herdygerdy
One Way: Part Eight

"You must really know your way around this place," Amadeus remarked, while we were still walking in uninhabited hallways. I shrugged.

"I've only been here for most of my life."

by ellbot1998

Second Chance: Part Eight

"See what?" The Ixi's face remained perfectly composed. His acting was so good that Brynn nearly believed it. "Are you having more hallucinations?"

by liouchan
Faerie Wars I: The Six Kingdoms - Part Six

"You will be a miserable fyora without your sister to keep you in check! You have not her reason or wisdom!"

by kioasakka
Once a Thief: Part Five

The ironic part of the location of the Defenders of Neopia post in Qasala was that it was a fifteen minute trudge through the desert from Elrique's home.

by crazy_4_sushi
The Princess Calling: Part Three

Genevieve's yellow eyes flared with an angry fire. "Rosellen Dellamore, how dare you trespass in my room unbidden."

by puppy_girl252
Adventures and Such at Camp Batterfly: Part Four

The rest of the campers ran in. Zita was the only one left.

"Hmm, what letter am I missing?" said the JubJub counselor.

"Z," said Zita.

by crabcake123

Worth Fighting For: Part Four

"So that's when the Space Fungus started swarming our ship!" They had to have been walking for at least an hour, now, but Hyren was nowhere near running out of stories.

by cosmicfire918
What Happened To Sophie's Hat: Part Two

Sophie had never enjoyed the Neopian Witches' Convention. She went out of a sense of obligation, and because it was always useful to know the other witches in Neopia, but the entire time, she was counting the hours until she could go home.

by rogue_roxness
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Jhudora's Day, No Evil

What if we don't like committing wicked deeds, boiling up trouble and casting evil spells? We law abiding Neopians still enjoy celebrating despite it being a dark faerie's day. If you're in the celebrating mood, but don't want to commit to the evil that Jhudora is known for, here are...

Other Stories


My Monocerous Encounter
Like other Neopets, I grew up being told that the Monocerous was a vicious monster.

by fe_chef


Tales From Elysian Fields: Amelia Abbreviated
Amelia is very much aware of her Unfortunate State of Being, as many kind-hearted folks will often remind her.

"You make me feel so tall!"

by bug0704


Ten Unnecessarily Creepy Toys
Keep these items away from your Neopets at all costs!

by happytimewithmilk


Getting The Right Guild
Thousands of guilds have been created in all areas of Neopia since the beginning of neo-time, with handfuls of new ones sprouting up each day.

by chunky12316


Speak No More
My favourite children's show

by laehlani


The Goofers - Guess Who?
Everyone has their hobbies...

by lintsuf

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