A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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The Spa Treatment

The Daily Lives of Illusen and Jhudora

by seoulful
Tattered To Perfection

The inspiration for the mutant tattered dress.

Also by faithclone

by _espy_

Be Careful What You Fish For

This hungry Zafara got more than she bargained for at the fishing hole.

Also by bha288

by mandypandy667

Speak No More

My favourite children's show

by laehlani
Seven Years Later

Returning after a seven year hiatus can be rough

by kackcheeka
Feeling Sorry for the Krawken

Did you come to visit me?

by alex9292
Things the Island Mystic Says #1

Food can live a life outside of your inventory, you know.

by pinkie_diane_pie
Magma's Doubt

So... Just play together?

by happy_things
Even Water Faeries Learn to Swim

Would you mind finding...

Also by setorange

by flufflepuff

Random Oddness

One of the most unappreciated jobs in the world.

by mistyqee
Aisha Hair

and thus we see why I shouldn't play dice-a-roo...

by fuzzykit12
Snack Time!

Chocolate pets love chocolate!

by chyshie
Random Events With Glumpkin

I never said his priorities were in order...

by ragecandybar
Barnaby the Lupe

The trials, tribulations and struggles of an ordinary Lupe to feed his family...

by caelum_apple
Neopian Day Care

Why there is...

by invalid
The Goofers - Guess Who?

Everyone has their hobbies...

by lintsuf
Unlikeable Sort

Have you seen my birthday meepit?

by keese_bat
Search the Neopian Times


"Family Comes First" by plasticlizards
"Must.... beat... high score...." the gigantic, frightening mutant Bruce grumbled as he battled onward in the midst of a rough game of Mutant Graveyard of Doom II. He had been playing the game for days, stuck...

Other Stories


The Inventory
It was a strange sensation to jump into an inventory bag, Indi decided. It felt like mix between falling and floating...

by rosiecotten


The Creation Room
I remember it like it was yesterday.

by butterfly7672


Ten Unnecessarily Creepy Toys
Keep these items away from your Neopets at all costs!

by happytimewithmilk


Fountain Faerie Quest: Increasing Your Chances
A few tips and tricks to help you score this rare opportunity.

by audiine


Worth Fighting For: Part Four
"So that's when the Space Fungus started swarming our ship!" They had to have been walking for at least an hour, now, but Hyren was nowhere near running out of stories.

by cosmicfire918


Agent of the Sway: Restoration - Part Two
Clayton's prize was hidden in the corner - at first glance it appeared to be an ice sculpture, but as the Kougra approached closer, he realised there was something hidden inside.

by herdygerdy

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