Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,103,792 Issue: 630 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y16
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Snack Time!

by chyshie

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The Inventory
It was a strange sensation to jump into an inventory bag, Indi decided. It felt like mix between falling and floating...

by rosiecotten


5 Tips to a Better (Neo)Life!
Neopets is full of creative and interesting ways to have fun, but for the long-time user, we can become so accustomed to the site that we stop seeing the potential it has.

by sweetj912


Tales From Elysian Fields: Amelia Abbreviated
Amelia is very much aware of her Unfortunate State of Being, as many kind-hearted folks will often remind her.

"You make me feel so tall!"

by bug0704


Once a Thief: Part Five
The ironic part of the location of the Defenders of Neopia post in Qasala was that it was a fifteen minute trudge through the desert from Elrique's home.

by crazy_4_sushi

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