Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 177,384,936 Issue: 310 | 21st day of Gathering, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"The Money Tree is a icon of Neopia. Nobody knows how long it has been standing, but generations of Neopets have given and gotten items there. And generations of the future still should."

Ban These Books

Have you ever wandered into the Book Shop with your lovely pet looking for some light reading? If you have, you've also likely seen at least one of those "questionable" books -- you know, the ones you really hope your pets don't choose to read. This guide will inform you of the top eleven books to avoid while browsing the Book Shop and some possible consequences of letting...

Truggdon: Grundo Icon

Lately the spotlight has focused on a different kind of icon; one that did not start out as a superstar nor necessarily ended as one. However, no one can easily deny that he achieved what few Grundo slave descendants hope to do: escape the lackluster lives they lead at Virtupets Corp. Nowadays many look up to this new kind of hero, this icon; Truggdon the Grundo...

Neopia's Best Socks

Socks are everywhere in Neopia, no doubt about it. Neopians are playing with, eating, and even wearing the foot-shaped objects. But all the while you are using your socks, have you ever thought that your socks may not be the best for their task? I myself came to this realization a few days ago, when I realized that while my Red Pirate Socks may be nice to wear, they are...

Other Stories
"No IOUs" by taipeiss
"Now," he continued, "we just need you to help us out by picking one of those magazines there. You don't even have to keep them, you can cancel them immediately, and the cool thing is that we still get to keep half of the credit. We even got some really poor Neopians to help us out..."

"Jeran and Lisha: Reunited" by tplanford
The two Draik guards reached the top of the steps, noticing them immediately. "Hey! What are you four doing here?" one asked gruffly. Lisha stared. The Draiks wore armor. Red and blue together, with a golden crown in the middle. Now where have I seen...

"Domination" by amwolford
The Darkest Faerie scanned the long table. She hadn't realized there were so many villains in Neopia. It either meant more competition or more allies. Though she usually preferred scheming on her own, Sloth had in fact released her and promised her a valuable...

Shenkuu Needs Sleuths

This week's issue is brought to you by: The Search for Princess Lunara
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Great stories!


well its about lupes and chias and the war their having

by reggieman721


miaomiao's VISIONS OF LIFE #1
Chillipepper, acclaimed Darigan Quetzal model, is miao's petpet. (:

by humphreyxelephant


How To Be a Royal (Who Needs a Paintbrush?)
Ever wish you could be like those dashing aristocrats… but do not want to hand over 1,750,000 Neopoints?

by kitsune_tricksterfox


Slorg Slime #5
The little masters of disguise are out yet again to turn your garden into a dangerous place!

by theicyworm


The Partnership: Part Four
Let me state here that even the best agents get themselves into messes like I just have. And even they, like me, draw blanks when asked unanticipated questions...

by pandabearb

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