There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 177,384,936 Issue: 310 | 21st day of Gathering, Y9
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The Secrets of Scratchcards

What the scratchcard vendors won't tell you about the scratchcard game...

by turquoisephoenix
Your Pet's Personality

Those guys are the reason Neopets is here but they don't get enough attention or a decent personality. Yes, your little pet ought to be the centre of your Neopets account...

by kelly_d60
Neopia's Best Socks

Socks are everywhere in Neopia, no doubt about it. Neopians are playing with, eating, and even wearing the foot-shaped objects. But all the while you are using your socks, have you ever thought...

by susankidwell
Find Your Perfect Hat!

Have you ever wondered what wearable hat is right for you? Take this quiz right now to find out!

by confiserie
Round Table Poker Game Guide- A Computer's Analysis

One important way to gain an advantage in this game is to recognize the players' tells. A tell is some kind of sign that gives you information on the hands your opponents have.

by sagesw
A Neverending Boss Battle Guide

What do you have to defend Neopia? A tiny little fighter that has one kind of weapon. Figures.

by __beren__
Truggdon the Grundo: Slave Turned Icon

Truggdon started out in his early years at Virtupets Corp. just like every other Grundo slave descendant: poorly treated and without much to look forward to...

by goldwingsapphire
11 Books to Keep Your Pets Away From

The general public needs to know.

by mrpanda1
Neopian Times Story: Yet to Have A Title

You've just completed a really awesome story for the Neopian Times, and you're about to submit it, when suddenly you realize that you don't have a name for it...

by beastybas
How To Be a Royal (Who Needs a Paintbrush?)

Ever wish you could be like those dashing aristocrats… but do not want to hand over 1,750,000 Neopoints?

by kitsune_tricksterfox
Collecting Coconuts

There are 25 different types of coconuts, each more evil and more sinister than the next.

by lizzex8
Top Ten Spooky Petpets

Hand-picked and chosen, researched thoroughly, here they are! My Top Ten Spooky Petpets!

by lupinius
The Dangers That Every Petpet Owner Faces

Petpets are always getting into trouble and need rescuing! It’s a constant job to keep all of those little petpets out of harm's way...

by shakinheadtotoe
Love At First Dip!

You do own a Chocolate Fondue set, right?

by purplepassiony2k
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"Domination" by amwolford
The Darkest Faerie scanned the long table. She hadn't realized there were so many villains in Neopia. It either meant more competition or more allies. Though she usually preferred scheming on her own, Sloth had in fact released her and promised her a valuable...

Other Stories


Sarasala continued to improve and show love in singing. Icaron never forgot the Faerie, but he wasn't always nice...

by icegirl_sara


The Cornfield
This is life in Windridge Acres. Around here, I'm known as Christy Changesong, the obnoxious little skunk Ixi. In school, I'm a smart aleck. At home, I'm a smart aleck...

by springsteen0991


Sloth's Time Machine: Part Three
"You don't have a plan?" Zoland asked incredulously. "You're supposed to be the one leading us!"

Also by jamesuk2

by azellica


Deep Secrets: Part Five
King Coltzan I was not a fool, and he knew a magic ring when he saw it...

by extreme_fj0rd


A Not-So-Lovely Cup of Borovan

Script by tootsiekitty_

by thewizardess


Bitter Enemies
Taking "Crisis Courier" a little too far...

by christa_iz_cool

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