Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 177,384,936 Issue: 310 | 21st day of Gathering, Y9
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Babaa Here, Babaa There

Babaas are kind of hard to lose, even if you want to.

by 5thrider
The Fight Commences!


by ebily
Acts of Idiocracy - Abnormal Size For a Baby Pet

Maybe it's just me, but I think I have one really big baby Gelert...

by silentwhisper153
Something Is Wrong Here

There's something wrong here but what?

by kikuji22
True Bloo

Another use for Glowing Jelly...

by imperial_drannian
Math's Nightmare

One... two...

by conniewan3
Bob and George

Say something!

by lolula10216
Obsessed? Me? No Way!

Maybe that's thinking a little too far.

by pheonix_cat
Comic of Doom

Ah, Fluffy... we never knew thee.

by toru_

Missed again!

Art by jjjellybean121

by eliza_clare


Mmm... Crickets.

by pettamapossum
Random Silliness Epi No.1

Is this a bad time?

by tiger_lilly_girl
The Joys of Customization

A misunderstanding about the principles of customisation.

by pencil_cases
The Royal Comics: Do Not Deal With A Darigan!

What are you doing?

by royal_prophecies
It's A Neopets Addiction, Doc!

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant 3 times LESS!

by alliorora
Bitter Enemies

Taking "Crisis Courier" a little too far...

by christa_iz_cool
Kelp Krisis

Welcome to Kelp!

by uniquesque
The Mysterious Pawkeet

Ever wondered who might have owned your petpets before you bought them?

by bovinegrapevine
Slorg Slime #5

The little masters of disguise are out yet again to turn your garden into a dangerous place!

by theicyworm
Silly Paws!

A day at the beach!

by pirate_ahoy
A Not-So-Lovely Cup of Borovan


Script by tootsiekitty_

by thewizardess

Evil Feepit #22

Redecorating may not be suited for Feeby...

by fmoura_98
A Beauty Fact

Please? With a cherry on top?

by blu_gurl_luv

In memoria...

by ghostkomorichu
Trix And Her Warf

I have a very smart petpet.

by jamloljam
The Neopian Faerie Fashion Show

Welcome to the show!

Art by devil_in_a_red_dress

by mattdoyle622

Brothers'n'Sister - Fang (Old Friends)

Remember me?

by kamikatze24
Neopian Angst

In Neopia, some things have to be taken literally...

by christian_in_black
miaomiao's VISIONS OF LIFE #1

Chillipepper, acclaimed Darigan Quetzal model, is miao's petpet. (:

by humphreyxelephant
Kaptain Kacheek

Someone's in trouble...

by sarika_ambrielle
Tony the Feepit

Don't always trust the Lab Ray...

by geestelijk
The Jhudora Theory

That was close!

by dig_that_maniac
Search the Neopian Times


"Jeran and Lisha: Reunited" by tplanford
The two Draik guards reached the top of the steps, noticing them immediately. "Hey! What are you four doing here?" one asked gruffly. Lisha stared. The Draiks wore armor. Red and blue together, with a golden crown in the middle. Now where have I seen...

Other Stories


well its about lupes and chias and the war their having

by reggieman721


The Darkest Faerie scanned the long table. She hadn't realized there were so many villains in Neopia...

by amwolford


The Secrets of Scratchcards
What the scratchcard vendors won't tell you about the scratchcard game...

by turquoisephoenix


A Neverending Boss Battle Guide
What do you have to defend Neopia? A tiny little fighter that has one kind of weapon. Figures.

by __beren__


Castles, Kidnappings, and Really Bad Gourmet Food: Part One
A new establishment was opening tonight in the deserted Fairground. Very few people knew about it, and you could only get in if you had a reservation...

by lightninglover34


I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Three
"So!" Skarl leaned forward on his elevated platform, pointing down to the potatoes. "Thanks to a very kind donation from the Potato Counter man, we have..."

Also by sytra

by chocolateisamust

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