A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 177,384,936 Issue: 310 | 21st day of Gathering, Y9
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New Series

The Silent City: Part One

The blade missed Etana's ear by a hairsbreadth. She flattened herself against the wall, stunned...

by xialavin
Castles, Kidnappings, and Really Bad Gourmet Food: Part One

A new establishment was opening tonight in the deserted Fairground. Very few people knew about it, and you could only get in if you had a reservation...

by lightninglover34
What Am I?: Part One

Slinking away from the squabbling serpent, Kelenria tried to home back in on the teacher's voice. She hoped she hadn't missed anything important...

by sarahleeadvent
The Right Reason: Part One

Captain Rourke, a tall Ogrin in a long black coat, strode out from the cabin. "I'm going into town, kid, so keep out of trouble..."

by 0magic_enchantress0
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Ban These Books

Have you ever wandered into the Book Shop with your lovely pet looking for some light reading? If you have, you've also likely seen at least one of those "questionable" books -- you know, the ones you really hope your pets don't choose to read. This guide will inform you of the top eleven books to avoid while browsing the Book Shop and some possible consequences of letting...

Other Stories


Jeran and Lisha: Reunited
Too late. The two Draik guards reached the top of the steps, noticing them immediately. "Hey! What are you four doing here?" one asked gruffly. Lisha stared...

by tplanford


The Darkest Faerie scanned the long table. She hadn't realized there were so many villains in Neopia...

by amwolford


Your Pet's Personality
Those guys are the reason Neopets is here but they don't get enough attention or a decent personality. Yes, your little pet ought to be the centre of your Neopets account...

by kelly_d60


How To Be a Royal (Who Needs a Paintbrush?)
Ever wish you could be like those dashing aristocrats… but do not want to hand over 1,750,000 Neopoints?

by kitsune_tricksterfox


Babaa Here, Babaa There
Babaas are kind of hard to lose, even if you want to.

by 5thrider


The Joys of Customization
A misunderstanding about the principles of customisation.

by pencil_cases

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