Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

Adventures may be nice but they're even nicer when you know that there's a Neohome you can always come back to.

Forgotten Goldmine?

Kreludan Mining Corp is one of the most underrated and overestimated games in the history of the Action category. Some people think it's too hard. Others think it's just a waste of time. But in fact, it is packed with cool things including music, and it really isn't that bad when you get the hang of the controls...

Chomby Munchies

Need the perfect treat for that special Chomby on their special day? Look no further! Here is the list of the Top 15 Chomby Treats! It is filled with the best of the best that will please any Chomby. And trust me, they are certainly delicious, so do not miss out! When your Chomby wakes up...

Miniature Maraquans

Maraquan Petpets come in all shapes ‘n sizes. Some are graceful and affectionate, others will eat you if you’re not careful, and of course there’s the one that’ll leave you lots o’ slime to clean up. Whatever ya pick, in the end they can all be immensely rewarding if cared for right. But they need a lot more than just water and food...

Other Stories
"Monster" by queen_aingeal
Sloth got up from his chair and walked to the window of his office, gazing out at the beautiful planet with a scowl creasing his face. "Why must you haunt me so?" he said to the planet. "I could make you so much better... we could achieve perfection, you and I..."

"The Tooth Faerie" by muffinsnatcher
"Awww," said Pearly, "I promise it will stop hurting and a new tooth will grow back in its place." As soon as she uttered these comforting words, the miracle occurred: the girl's tooth immediately grew back, and the rest of her teeth straightened out...

"Auggaul - Specimen of Science" by kindheartedfairy
Suddenly, Auggaul's instincts screamed at him, Get out of that valley! Auggaul turned around to speed back the way he came, but a net fell over him. He panicked and tried to shred the thick ropes apart with his claws, but it didn't work...

Make Ancient Mysteries Work For You!

This week's issue is brought to you by: Magical Marvels
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Great stories!


The Adventures of Payne the Draik
Today Payne would be working on a newly planned stained glass window, destined for the throne room in the castle itself...

Also by frynr

by goten__10


Graduation for Seamstress Cybunny: Part One
Outside the school, the students were gossiping as usual. I hopped quickly to my classroom...

by anime_cybunny


I just don't get it!

by armorandonomon


The Top 30 Uses for Jelly
But when it comes to the more exotic tastes of jelly, such as Fish and Dung, you’ll have to get a little more creative than simply eating it to put your food to its full potential.

by reelhorrorshow


Theoretical Lily: the Soup Faerie's Ingredients
From the way she dresses, one would automatically think that she is a poor and simple faerie who goes out of her way to help those poor Neopians (and Neopets) to survive. But didn’t it ever cross your mind that she needs ingredients to make her soup?

by foxgloves108

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