Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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New Series

The Shoyru Tamer: Part One

Duel leaned over to hug her for comfort. "It's okay Sammy. He'll turn up again sometime."

by dragoncatcher_sammy
Graduation for Seamstress Cybunny: Part One

Outside the school, the students were gossiping as usual. I hopped quickly to my classroom...

by anime_cybunny
The Secret Princess: Part One

"I found him a few blocks away and he will be staying with us for a while. I hope you don't mind," said the light faerie...

by knuckles_1_fan
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"The Tooth Faerie" by muffinsnatcher
"Awww," said Pearly, "I promise it will stop hurting and a new tooth will grow back in its place." As soon as she uttered these comforting words, the miracle occurred: the girl's tooth immediately grew back, and the rest of her teeth straightened out...

Other Stories


No News is Bad News
"Well, that's not the point. I can't believe that they'd cancel my birthday! Lack of interest-huh! I'm plenty interested!"

by shadow_zapdos


The Tooth Faerie
Once there was a faerie who lived in a nice neighborhood amid the clouds in Faerieland, and her name was Pearly White...

by muffinsnatcher


Theoretical Lily: the Soup Faerie's Ingredients
From the way she dresses, one would automatically think that she is a poor and simple faerie who goes out of her way to help those poor Neopians (and Neopets) to survive. But didn’t it ever cross your mind that she needs ingredients to make her soup?

by foxgloves108


A Piece of Maraqua in Your Dry Neohome
There's more to Maraquan Petpets than just food and water, ya know! So sit down, grab one o' those java things and listen up; I'll try to explain things to you.

by tashni


Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!
Uhh... ow.

by spock_luvr


Hmm, How Should the Explorers Get Across the Chasm?
I have a better idea.

by pacmanite

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