teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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Short Stories

Auggaul - Specimen of Science

"What an interesting specimen!" the Ruki exclaimed. "But simpleminded, unless I am mistaken."

by kindheartedfairy
Dark Quest

Jenna looked longingly after a Faerie Acara as it went gliding by. Her own lush blue fur, which she brushed carefully every morning, looked rather dull...

by rainbow_lover852
The Tooth Faerie

Once there was a faerie who lived in a nice neighborhood amid the clouds in Faerieland, and her name was Pearly White...

by muffinsnatcher
An Adventure Worth Writing About

Day 4, 5th day of Running: I'm here in the Lost City (is it really lost anymore?) of Geraptiku. I'm an archaeologist...

by shadowlink29
Adventure to Altador

We decided it'd been forever since we visited the Faerie City. I mentioned to Kyle (my Kougra) that it would be a fun trip to take and do a little shopping...

by shadow11320

"S-Sir… there is a small p-problem with the Spider Grundo," the Grundo stammered...

by queen_aingeal
An Interview... with Dr. Sloth

Finally, I found him in a very rural area of Kreludor. The only footsteps ever taken there were of Dr. Sloth's, and then very soon mine as well. Read on to find out how this seemly horrific interview turns out…

by wam1994
Climbing the Snowflake Tree

As soon as we arrived, he raced towards the tree and straightaway started to climb it. He did not get very far however, before crashing to the ground...

by doughnut215
The Adventures of Payne the Draik

Today Payne would be working on a newly planned stained glass window, destined for the throne room in the castle itself...

Also by frynr

by goten__10

One for the Plushies

Zezzer walked toward a Checkered Kiko Plushie. "How much is this?" he asked.

by king_kino
No News is Bad News

"Well, that's not the point. I can't believe that they'd cancel my birthday! Lack of interest-huh! I'm plenty interested!"

by shadow_zapdos
The Warf that Got Warfnapped

At the Lupe's side was a plain Warf, a Warf named Norp, who managed to get tangled into fascinating adventures...

by bookworm01

In a small cottage within a village quite far from the castle, a little white Blumaroo stirred in his sleep, creasing his worn pillow and rumpling his quilt. His eyes blinked open...

by precious_katuch14
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"The Tooth Faerie" by muffinsnatcher
"Awww," said Pearly, "I promise it will stop hurting and a new tooth will grow back in its place." As soon as she uttered these comforting words, the miracle occurred: the girl's tooth immediately grew back, and the rest of her teeth straightened out...

Other Stories


Top 15 Chomby Treats
Looking for the perfect treat for your Chomby? Look no further!

by btcomsa12


An Outrageously Updated Guide to the ICM
So be VERY careful to not get any slowing or shield scoops or anything of the such in the beginning rounds, since they’re not going to help you or your point count either.

by travelerofneopia


The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part Six
"What do you mean he's missing!?" Niger shouted. "He can't be, he was knocked out when I last saw him!"

by arrielle5


The Shoyru Tamer: Part One
Duel leaned over to hug her for comfort. "It's okay Sammy. He'll turn up again sometime."

by dragoncatcher_sammy


Neopian Insanity
Uh oh...

Also by emmybug184

by cosmicfire918


*poke poke poke poke*

by scribble

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