Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 150,952,996 Issue: 232 | 24th day of Running, Y8
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Something Fishy

And cheaper than grocery shopping!

by ssjelitegirl
Phwoar! That stinks!

No wonder.

by k_aren_z
Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!

Uhh... ow.

by spock_luvr
Annoying!- the Drenched!

Don't you even have a napkin or somthing?

by 900duckling

You don't know what gravity is? Oh, boy. Let me show you.

by pegahorn12
Me and Them

How exciting.

by hamtaro6969

What's taking so long?

by cannonsmbt
Why You Should Never Give a Cybunny a Snow Petpet

The title is pretty self-explanatory.

by liquiddragonn

Tis better to give than to receive... unless the gift is from Jhudora!

by homage2fromage
Neopian Comics & Co

Could have fooled me...

by aurora_moonbeam

*poke poke poke poke*

by scribble

That makes sense... I guess...

by celestialearthenmage

I just don't get it!

by armorandonomon
Life of Pea

Why are these things so darned popular anyways?

by voodoodollee
Tower's Problems

Do you know what I like the most about Faerieland?

by luimielw_amandil
Give the Kiko a Cookie!

Just one bite?

by leo814
Spilt Milk

Something has happened!

by nomitts
Problems Only Neopian Goths Have

Problem #1.

by popeyethecat
Mootix Madness - Bring it on Jhudora!

"How much did you say you were worth again?"

by leoness
That's Just Not Right!

What was it you called them?

by anjie
Neopian Insanity

Uh oh...

Also by emmybug184

by cosmicfire918

Head in the Clouds

Guess what I've got!

by candykitty
Hmm, How Should the Explorers Get Across the Chasm?

I have a better idea.

by pacmanite
The Most...

XweeStarryTear, how you can be SO popular?

by ximerika
Becoming One with Your Room

I love my new jelly room!

by pheonix65432
Why? #1

Why you should never get your Wocky a miamouse...

by redler1
Attack of the Blobs

Maybe next time he'll remember to bring a bowl.

by frozen_spidre
Volley Mates #1

I'm not playing with you again!

by bluebellygirl
Truth about the Grundo Leader

The Grundo Leader attacks!!!

by rose_cel
Robot Troubles

Well, at least they can't run away.

by hernomoto
Just the Gloves

Poor Raytzu got his paws cold!

by ginzag
Edna and the Expensive Items

Have you ever wondered what Edna the Witch is doing with all those Expensive Items she gets from quests?

by smockey11
Search the Neopian Times


"Auggaul - Specimen of Science" by kindheartedfairy
Suddenly, Auggaul's instincts screamed at him, Get out of that valley! Auggaul turned around to speed back the way he came, but a net fell over him. He panicked and tried to shred the thick ropes apart with his claws, but it didn't work...

Other Stories


The Tooth Faerie
Once there was a faerie who lived in a nice neighborhood amid the clouds in Faerieland, and her name was Pearly White...

by muffinsnatcher


An Interview... with Dr. Sloth
Finally, I found him in a very rural area of Kreludor. The only footsteps ever taken there were of Dr. Sloth's, and then very soon mine as well. Read on to find out how this seemly horrific interview turns out…

by wam1994


An Outrageously Updated Guide to the ICM
So be VERY careful to not get any slowing or shield scoops or anything of the such in the beginning rounds, since they’re not going to help you or your point count either.

by travelerofneopia


A Piece of Maraqua in Your Dry Neohome
There's more to Maraquan Petpets than just food and water, ya know! So sit down, grab one o' those java things and listen up; I'll try to explain things to you.

by tashni


The Shoyru Tamer: Part One
Duel leaned over to hug her for comfort. "It's okay Sammy. He'll turn up again sometime."

by dragoncatcher_sammy


The Jackals of Sakhmet II- Finding Lee: Part Six
"What do you mean he's missing!?" Niger shouted. "He can't be, he was knocked out when I last saw him!"

by arrielle5

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