There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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Continued Series

Return to White River

"The air shimmered and weaved with tension as a few certain citizens of White River waited in the wings of the Town Hall..."

by hzoo_26
The Primordial Saga: A Faerie's Woe

"The Kougra tried to appease her, but she understood the point the Light Faerie was trying to make. She also turned to Fyora and asked..."

by rurirawr
The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek

"The journey home was mercifully uneventful, but Olivia couldn’t sleep. She was left with raw anxiety after her tough trip through the Haunted Woods..."

by chesschocolate
Bargain with a Dark Faerie

"For Fyora’s sake, I didn't want it to be like this!" Aerin slammed an angry fist on the wooden table, shaking it and the mugs of mead resting upon it..."

by puzzlepets
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"Underground Underdogs" by flannelle
From the deepest crevices of the ground, great swathes of steam rose to the stalactites that were Moltara City’s rocky sky. The rhythmic rumble of working engines and the rattle of rotating cogs filled the air. Several blinking beacons lit the cave—the famed glowing lanterns—for Moltara had no sun, but it shone anyway. Rusted metal and behemothic boulders composed their buildings; within, they all glowed with the same orangey glow. The ground was tepid, alive with the lava in its depths. To the wayward wanderer, Moltara was an intimidating destination; only the most experienced of travellers dared to descend to the molten abyss. To Tulah Kisner, right forward of Team Moltara, Moltara was home. She inhaled deeply the steamy air. Her glowing fur smouldered happily like coal returned to its hearth. The Altador Cup was behind her, but not too far behind. The memories of their few defeats and fewer victories churned inside of her. Her body was a cauldron, bubbling, boiling, with tumultuous thoughts. Moltara received its team with open arms, of course, and its citizens still cheered at their return. Tulah did not join them in their celebration, however. The homecoming was lost on her. Captain Aldric invited the Moltara Team to supper at Molten Morsels.

Other Stories


Vertical Transportation
"The Halloween Meerca squinted shrewdly over the folds of her cloak, which she held draped around herself in the fashion of a Korbat's wing..."

by liouchan


"Even before I opened my eyes, I knew something was wrong. The musty smell of damp stone. A metallic taste in my mouth. The cold feel of the floor against my back. The distant sound of… banjo music?"

by june_scarlet


Buzzerfeed Reviews: The Record by Petgenius
Surely everyone in the Underground has heard of them by now, but we would not be doing our due diligence as indie music reporters if we failed to cover petgenius before they break into the mainstream. Collab with wizzy13_7

by phlyarologist


Notable Neopians: Carolyn (parody_ham)
Hello and welcome to Notable Neopians! I’m greykadoatie and in this issue we are shining the spotlight on one of Neopia’s most talented creators: Carolyn (parody_ham) who was first published way back in Issue 432.

by greykadoatie


Royal Pain: Underground Treasures
She's just digging herself into a hole

by winner19955


An Underground Cryptogram
Can you decode the hidden message in this cryptogram?

by srr8383

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