For an easier life Circulation: 197,578,187 Issue: 990 | 25th day of Hiding, Y25
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Short Stories

The Meridell Brothers

"'Hey, what's this thingy?' inquired a young, blue Turtum. 'Wha' do ya mean, "thingy"? replied the Whinny to his friend as he wandered over to..."

by sleepiestkitty
Lira's Adventure in the Grave Danger Catacombs!

"'Are you sure, that I will be okay in there? It looks scary! I think you should have asked Oira, Iora and Rai instead to adventure the catacombs' a Gold Snowbunny asked her owner..."

by alvissofcaldia
A Beastly Underground Prank

"One sunny morning, Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo was returning from her weekly grocery shopping when she almost tripped over a mysterious-looking hole in the ground..."

by _brainchild_

"Even before I opened my eyes, I knew something was wrong. The musty smell of damp stone. A metallic taste in my mouth. The cold feel of the floor against my back. The distant sound of… banjo music?"

by june_scarlet
Castle Planner's Journal: The Undercobble

"The whole castle of Meridell was buzzing with activity as it prepared for yet another feast. The King had declared this feast to be in honour of the healthy rains observed across Meri-Acres..."

by ferretboy85
Under the Gebmids

“'Mom wanted me to invite you to grandma’s birthday next month,' Sarina said as she leaned in to examine a painted brick..."

by stella_123_5
Under Eye

"Everything is just a little child’s game. With a name like Neopia, how could this place not be for children? How embarrassing..." Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn
Darigan's Lily

"When I fled from Kass’ tyranny, I had but one regret: I would never see my family again. Even if we had our differences, our clashes, I would miss my brother and sister, their children, and my bedridden mother..."

by parody_ham
At the Sign of the Dancing Dragoyle

"Located in a mountain village in northern Meridell, the Dancing Dragoyle, marked by a sign with a Dragoyle caught up in an ecstatic dance, was a tavern always filled to the brim with the dregs of Neopian society..."

by precious_katuch14
Underground Underdogs

"From the deepest crevices of the ground, great swathes of steam rose to the stalactites that were Moltara City’s rocky sky..."

by flannelle
The Commander and the Survivor

Xac meets Cri-Dra, the sole survivor of a conquered world.

by shellshocks
The Food Thief

"For Pergus, working in Kreludor’s mines wasn't all that exciting. To tell the truth, the job was basically the same every day..." Collab with higs_pagodeiro

by dinha_reeves
Vertical Transportation

"The Halloween Meerca squinted shrewdly over the folds of her cloak, which she held draped around herself in the fashion of a Korbat's wing..."

by liouchan
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"A Beastly Underground Prank" by _brainchild_
One sunny morning, Tivlia the Maraquan Blumaroo was returning from her weekly grocery shopping when she almost tripped over a mysterious-looking hole in the ground. Upon taking a closer look, she noticed that there was a ladder leading downward. Of course, she was curious about what may be lurking underground. As a treasure hunter, she hypothesized that there might be some worthwhile items down there. After going home and putting away the groceries, Tivlia returned to the hole and slowly climbed down the ladder. Her surroundings were getting darker as she descended, so she had to be careful not to slip and fall. Once she was on the ground, she started wandering around with a lantern in hand. She wasn’t really finding anything, to her disappointment. All she saw was a bunch of dirt, rocks, and worms, as well as an underground pond. She was about to go back up empty-handed when she heard the curious sound of scuttling creatures, along with someone crying. Intrigued, she approached the sounds. Before her, she saw an army of Talpidats feasting on Neggs which they were hoarding, along with one unhappy Faerie Weewoo. “Wow, I’m so glad to see a visitor!” exclaimed the Weewoo. “I was beginning to think that no one would hear my cries...

Other Stories


Notable Neopians: Carolyn (parody_ham)
Hello and welcome to Notable Neopians! I’m greykadoatie and in this issue we are shining the spotlight on one of Neopia’s most talented creators: Carolyn (parody_ham) who was first published way back in Issue 432.

by greykadoatie


Buzzerfeed Reviews: The Record by Petgenius
Surely everyone in the Underground has heard of them by now, but we would not be doing our due diligence as indie music reporters if we failed to cover petgenius before they break into the mainstream. Collab with wizzy13_7

by phlyarologist


Return to White River
"The air shimmered and weaved with tension as a few certain citizens of White River waited in the wings of the Town Hall..."

by hzoo_26


The Daily Life of a Grey Kacheek
"The journey home was mercifully uneventful, but Olivia couldn’t sleep. She was left with raw anxiety after her tough trip through the Haunted Woods..."

by chesschocolate


Darkest Corner: In Action~
Exploring underground, Hannah had met her biggest obstacle yet..

by dark_elfa


The Underground Stamp Trading Ring
Welcome to the underground, kid... Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony

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