Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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The Bunker - The Surprise (Part 7)

It's short, I know. But the plot has to move along somehow.

by hubadawaha
LOL!!! : Illusen Day Special

Uh, well...

by jessijenni
Clover Mania

Objects in farm are less lucky than they appear.

by not_so_shorty_12
!Friends! Nobody's Perfect!

You are one weird faerie..

by nadsume5886
Food for All- Dish #3


by maiinoki
Talk About Random

A wild Pinchit appeared!

by buizelmaniac
That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles (Part 2 of 3)

In which Kai owes Pikey 5,000 neopoints.

by pikemaster1
Random Oddness

Sophisticated jokes.. we has them.

by mistyqee
Laurel Leaves

Virgil says: mUst b advnced litERat and +!!

by victoriousmoon
CC's Adventures

Kid plays too many video games...

by saro_the_legendaerie
Shell Shocked

No Neopets were harmed during the creation of this comic...

by 0turtle

It only looks huge when it's in front of your face.

by pacute_2121
The White Weewoos go on Vacation!

Those Weewoos and their Neocola...

by monkeysrcomintogetu
Say... CHEESE!

...and he thinks he's the cool guy. x3

by maryboszy
Slapdash: Sibling Rivalry

Everything changed once Eroll got a sister.

by inkweaver009
Elderly Pets Gone Wild

And now we know why they make wearable bridles for Unis.

by wallaroo42
Sibling Situations

You know you have a problem when you can't remember all your siblings!

by rainbowmoo
Wocky Tails

Time for Monthly Freebies!

by eisha_iii
Prince of Fools: Mm, Mm Avatar!

Friends don't let friends eat gross things... OINK!

by moonlightfear

The anatomy of lollipops

by yuzu_004
Conquest's Favourite Toy

How did you know?

by raezyr
Wheel of Repeated Knowledge

The Ixi from the Wheel of Knowledge may be smart, but he is a very bad listener.

by desufnoc
Raggle Taggle

The adventures of a strange skunk Uni through Neopia...

by crickwing
Kiochi - Bedbugs

Don't let the bedbugs bite!

by chibino
Lighthouse Life


by louishooper
Test Subject

The Petpet Lab Ray makes some strange changes...

by suzhuu
You Are Worthy!

Sloth seems to think that anybody is worthy these days. Either that, or he's just not very observant...

by enchidnahapp
Defenders of a Feather

And the moral of the story is... uh... don't annoy Sergeant Cicada?

by charybdis7
Star Gazers

That figures.

by neojedi11
Dress Like Twins

I want to go home.

Art by joel_hudson

by sheranyah

3 Royals plus 1

Poor Jhudora...

by white_tiger0226
Cheesy Jokes

Dueling Decks

by cheesetwo__ff

... please?

Also by azzletaker

by scinnychan

Illusen's Quests

The Jhudora - Illusen feud escalates to new heights...

by muffiniser
Search the Neopian Times


"Illusen's Mission" by aisha_enchantress110
"Yo dawg," said the orange Wocky that ran Neopia's only extreme game that involved counting potatoes, "I heard that yo and yo Lupe like potatoes, so I put yo Lupe in a potato so yo Lupe can potato count while yo potato count, dawg!" The human recipient of this awkward statement was looking at this Wocky with a confused look...

Other Stories


Everyone's Lost It!
A yellow Chia, yellow JubJub and a blue Usul were watching in surprise as their owner suddenly ended up at the pound.

by cuteybon


Here dwelt Lord Darkeye: a stocky red Pteri and former knight of Meridell. Having since been granted noble status, he spent his days neglecting his brilliant mind to a seemingly pointless task.

by thorndove


Shoot Those Slorgs Away!!
You play as a Yurble farmer that is fed up with Slorgs...

by hwijaya


LOL, XD, and T_T- A Rant
When was the last time you were actually laughing out loud when you carelessly scribbled 'lol' into your message box?

by fattree


Friends Forever: Part One
The Draik chasing her screamed, "Halt, in the name of Lord Kass of the Kass Citadel!"

by crazymomskid1


Scarlet Shadow: A Knight's Reckoning - Part Two
Jeran's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it! Meridell's Champion was standing right in front of him!

by kathleen_kate

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