For an easier life Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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Laurel Leaves

by victoriousmoon

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Goldrun, Revisited: Part Six
Goldrun sat on the horizon, blurry in the desert heat. Ellie carefully examined the town with a spyglass before handing it back to Pete.

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No More Waiting
She was not the type of Cybunny to sit around and wait for her fate to be decided. Instead, she took matters into her own hands.

by grits_x


!Friends! Nobody's Perfect!
You are one weird faerie..

by nadsume5886


You Are Worthy!
Sloth seems to think that anybody is worthy these days. Either that, or he's just not very observant...

by enchidnahapp

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