Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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You Are Worthy!

by enchidnahapp

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Everyone's Lost It!
A yellow Chia, yellow JubJub and a blue Usul were watching in surprise as their owner suddenly ended up at the pound.

by cuteybon


The Crimeons: Part Two
I silently performed my tasks in the temple as the other three Crimeons dictated. I tried to avoid Kalitersa.

by blazingcatwings


Test Subject
The Petpet Lab Ray makes some strange changes...

by suzhuu


LOL, XD, and T_T- A Rant
When was the last time you were actually laughing out loud when you carelessly scribbled 'lol' into your message box?

by fattree

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