White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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What Jhudora Doesn't Want You To Know: By llusen

The Top 8 Things that Jhudora would absolutely hate for all of Neopia to know.

by fancifully
My Scenic Travel Journal: First stop-Kiko Lake

I've just come back from the first invigorating destination on my very long list: the humble Kiko Lake.

by icy_catalyst
A Rather Curious Interview

I am talking, of course, about the one and only Chef Bonju.

by hogwartsbean3
Throwing an Illusen Day Party

Throw a party for Illusen Day!

by ziposaki
An Interview With the Tooth Faerie

I had the most FABULOUS chance to sit down and chat with one of the most famous faeries in the world, the Tooth Faerie!

by colleen8463
Feeling "Freaked" About the Top 50? Don't Fret!

Basically you move a small "bat" along the bottom of the screen left and right in order to keep a ball bouncing so that it can break all of the blocks in the current level.

by sk8zac
LOL, XD, and T_T- A Rant

When was the last time you were actually laughing out loud when you carelessly scribbled 'lol' into your message box?

by fattree
What'cha say? Want a New Wheel?

Now, this is what I have in mind for the first new wonderful wheel...

by cressant123
Shoot Those Slorgs Away!!

You play as a Yurble farmer that is fed up with Slorgs...

by hwijaya
Lucky Saint Patricks Day Shopping

I guess I could let you look at my shopping list, out of the goodness of my heart.

by ajean10
Festival Fun

The 15th day of the Month of Running marks the start of the Festival of Neggs!

by boriman394
Come On Down and Beat AAA!

Welcome to the ultimate showdown between AAA and... YOU!

by nick104482
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"One Day in the Glade" by mamasimios
The Faerie crinkled her nose into a frown, which was very becoming despite her humour, and replied despondently, "You, of all Neopians, know that I must be prepared in case Jhudora returns to Meridell. I just... wish... that for one day, for one day only, I could forget my responsibilities and walk among the common folk, the way I used to when I lived in..."

Other Stories


A Meal Fit For A King
"Greetings to you, guards! I am Merid, the leader of the Red Knights. Five of my best knights and I have been called upon by the great King Skarl to help him with a task..."

by neogirl858


By the Light of the Sun
"You're the ghost-catchers, I trust?"

by kittengriffin


The Anomaly: Part Five
He was sitting lazily, coldly amused across from her with his impeccable black suit and white cravat, not a hair out of place...

by jokerhahaazzz


The Crimeons: Part Two
I silently performed my tasks in the temple as the other three Crimeons dictated. I tried to avoid Kalitersa.

by blazingcatwings


Say... CHEESE!
...and he thinks he's the cool guy. x3

by maryboszy


Shell Shocked
No Neopets were harmed during the creation of this comic...

by 0turtle

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