Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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Short Stories

Letters from Faerie to Faerie

Dear Illusen,

You of all people know...

by kat_sings

One Day in the Glade

"How I wish I could take a day off and enjoy the sunshine..."

by mamasimios
Potato Quest: Fun Versus Formal

"Hey, you don't have to tell me that twice, dude! One round of fun, coming up!"

by garfield22222
Everyone's Lost It!

A yellow Chia, yellow JubJub and a blue Usul were watching in surprise as their owner suddenly ended up at the pound.

by cuteybon

Here dwelt Lord Darkeye: a stocky red Pteri and former knight of Meridell. Having since been granted noble status, he spent his days neglecting his brilliant mind to a seemingly pointless task.

by thorndove
A Meal Fit For A King

"Greetings to you, guards! I am Merid, the leader of the Red Knights. Five of my best knights and I have been called upon by the great King Skarl to help him with a task..."

by neogirl858
By the Light of the Sun

"You're the ghost-catchers, I trust?"

by kittengriffin
No More Waiting

She was not the type of Cybunny to sit around and wait for her fate to be decided. Instead, she took matters into her own hands.

by grits_x
The Friend

The mirror snickered. You really can't, can you? Look at yourself. Mutants have been prettier.

by antiaircraft_3
The Shadow of a Nightmare

The annual Gathering of Evil was just getting under way.

by dlandwehrs4816
Little Drummer Bori

He turned towards his drums and placed the cup on his seat. He then started counting the Neopoints. He had earned the amazing amount of fifty Neopoints today...

by articuno_neo
Illusen's Mission

"A situation like this calls for action! And I know JUST what to do..."

by aisha_enchantress110
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"Potato Quest: Fun Versus Formal" by garfield22222
The Earth faerie and guardian of Meridell, Illusen, was in her elaborate tree house, pacing across the wooden bridges that connected from one tree room to the next. Something โ€“ or someONE โ€“ was on her mind: Jhudora โ€“ naturally! "I know that Dark faerie is up to no good, always asking cute, innocent neopets to gather..."

Other Stories


Shoot Those Slorgs Away!!
You play as a Yurble farmer that is fed up with Slorgs...

by hwijaya


LOL, XD, and T_T- A Rant
When was the last time you were actually laughing out loud when you carelessly scribbled 'lol' into your message box?

by fattree


The Unlucky One: Part Five
"Well?" Racon tapped impatiently on the counter. "What does it say?"

by solcana64


The Winds of Change: Part One
What would we do if one of Neopia's greatest evils returned?

by icedragon_14_1


You Are Worthy!
Sloth seems to think that anybody is worthy these days. Either that, or he's just not very observant...

by enchidnahapp


!Friends! Nobody's Perfect!
You are one weird faerie..

by nadsume5886

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