The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 178,575,454 Issue: 435 | 19th day of Running, Y12
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Say... CHEESE!

by maryboszy

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You Are Worthy!
Sloth seems to think that anybody is worthy these days. Either that, or he's just not very observant...

by enchidnahapp


LOL, XD, and T_T- A Rant
When was the last time you were actually laughing out loud when you carelessly scribbled 'lol' into your message box?

by fattree


It only looks huge when it's in front of your face.

by pacute_2121


My Scenic Travel Journal: First stop-Kiko Lake
I've just come back from the first invigorating destination on my very long list: the humble Kiko Lake.

by icy_catalyst

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