Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 196,994,887 Issue: 955 | 4th day of Running, Y24
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Fill Those Pet Slots: Additions on a Budget

Be frugal AND trendy with these affordable morphing methods!

by _brainchild_
A Guide to Creating Your Own Neoboard Block Font

"Contrary to popular belief, block fonts are not extremely difficult to create!" collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

by preksolanx
Fruit Feasts for your Island Kougra on Gadgadsbogen

"Since we cannot guess what new magical fruit the Island will provide, we can still enjoy the fruits of the past that have grown on the island every year on Gadgadsbogen."

by _ahre_
The Many Communities of Neopets

"Neopets is a site that so many of us grew up playing, and it remains a special place of nostalgia to this day."

by ennyra
Dubloon Disaster - It Will Get You Hooked...

collab with maelowpi

by shploofs
What Kind of Tropical Fruit Are You?

"Sour, bitter, spicy or sweet - this quiz will help you explore your personality and inspire you to try out some of the best tastes Gadgadsbogen has to offer."collab with dependence

by ziemelbriedis
Top 10 Fan-Made Avatars We Would Like to See

"Not only are there many other Avatar fanatics like ourselves, but there are many imaginative and artistic folks out there who have avatar ideas of their own."collab with fruit_fanatic24

by andypopo
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A Hero's Ballad: Norbert by parody_ham
”Another letter, Sir Rohane?” asked an armour-clad shadow Kyrii as a comfortably dressed white Blumaroo pried a letter from a green Weewoo’s bill. “Looks like it.” “Same Neopian as the last six times?” Rohane glanced down at the envelope and frowned. “Yes.”

Other Stories


Bandy - A Bori Story About Finding Home
A bori finds home and a family.

by rkbear


Letter From Unknown Prisoner: Cellblock
"Tomorrow is the day. I can feel it. I will play Master Vex for my freedom."

by treeword


My Journey to Faerieland
Part 1 of a 2-part adventure to Faerieland

by black_skull725


The Fate of Valeane
"Any other gardener would have excised it immediately, but Fyora was of the opinion that there was a place for all flowers in her garden."

by herdygerdy


Soy Sauce
Petpet lab ray is alright

by black_kisa


Is Christmas Over?
We never take down the tree. *Never.*

by 49_g_a_b_r_i_e_l_49

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