teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,994,887 Issue: 955 | 4th day of Running, Y24
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New Series

My Journey to Faerieland

Part 1 of a 2-part adventure to Faerieland

by black_skull725
The Fate of Valeane

"Any other gardener would have excised it immediately, but Fyora was of the opinion that there was a place for all flowers in her garden."

by herdygerdy
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Fill Those Pet Slots: Additions on a Budget

Christine: Welcome! With the arrival of the new pet slots in the NC Mall, some Neopians may be wondering how they can paint a snazzy new pet on a budget. Fear not, my friend, because this is where morphing potions come in. Sometimes, using a morphing potion to get a cool colour costs significantly less than buying the corresponding paintbrush---

Other Stories


Letter From Unknown Prisoner: Cellblock
"Tomorrow is the day. I can feel it. I will play Master Vex for my freedom."

by treeword


It's Not As It Seems
The tale of how Envhy went from dreaming of being a Korbat to being a hybrid.

by paranoidnarcissist


A Guide to Creating Your Own Neoboard Block Font
"Contrary to popular belief, block fonts are not extremely difficult to create!" collab with corrina404 and theguy2020

by preksolanx


Fill Those Pet Slots: Additions on a Budget
Be frugal AND trendy with these affordable morphing methods!

by _brainchild_


An Alien World Part 2
Krasavka meets a friend (or foe?) on this strange new planet.

by ssj3gotenks18


Avatar [MIS]Adventures!
A story about the fortunes and 'MIS'fortunes of avatar collecting! collab with rodel_27phoenix

by 4mandy4

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