A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,504,875 Issue: 982 | 5th day of Hunting, Y25
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Window Shopper

by ingvani

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A Tyrannian Victory Day Shopping List
"Every year, on May 12th, Neopians of all sorts gather to celebrate Tyrannian Victory Day. This day commemorates the brave Tyrannians who fought for their freedom against the oppressive and evil forces that sought to overtake the historic land of Tyrannia."

by cryistalene


Aboard the Coincidence
Anything can happen. Collab with krowkano

by romina_r


Turn and Return - Pt. 6
get real.

by hamster_z


10 Birdy Petpets for Your Feathered Friend
"You’ve just adopted a new feathered friend – Eyrie, Pteri, Vandagyre, Lenny, it doesn’t matter. As a big bird Neopet owner, I guarantee they’re going to only want the best of the best when it comes to Petpets."

by draik_bianca

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