Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 197,224,337 Issue: 973 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y24
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Life and Neopets

by woohooloolz

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Neopia's Ultimate Comfort Foods
"We’ve all had bad days where everything just wants to go all wrong." Collaboration with anotherblond07 and desertsessions

by ayakae


A Most Important Day
"Coconori had been living on her own for about two months now, and she was still feeling the euphoria. The Custard Aisha took a sip from her mug of sweet Borovan..."

by swordlilly


The Birthday Party That Got Out of Hand
"It was a sunny morning in Neopia, a day like any other. Neopets were bustling through the streets, buying food and other necessities in the busy streets of Neopia Central..." Collab with malzeno

by maryannyks


The Baker's Guide to a Neopian Birthday
"Are you still looking for an ideal way to celebrate Neopets’ 23rd Birthday? Look no further – your answers are here!" Collaboration with preksolanx and theguy2020

by corrina404

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