Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,224,337 Issue: 973 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y24
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Turn and Return - Pt. 3


by hamster_z
When a Baby Has a Birthday...

The worst part of a Baby Neopet's Birthday...

by _brainchild_
Neopets Pixel Cross Puzzle #5

Can you solve this Cross Puzzle!

by krabby_55
Vandagyre Day Crossword

Nothing like appreciating the Vandagyre with a crossword puzzle and your favorite breakfast!

by gromits
Celebrate? More like Slorgibrate!

Time to plan a Slorg quinceañera!

by elipsis4k
The Invisible Neopets Convention

Looks like everyone made it!

by emmakrakoka
Neopets' 23th Birthday!!

Grab a slice of cake and find all these words!

by dollsuki
Faeries Fabulous Birthday Party (Logic Puzzle)

Five of the faeries from Neopia gather to celebrate Neopets' 23rd birthday!

by skeletonic
Your Time Has Come

Its been fun, bag. Collab with black_kisa

by flaiyper
Neopies Special Edition - Neopets Birthday

Happy Neopets Birthday! Collab with 6moricehero6

by poxaleo
Ultimo 00 : Everlasting

Remember the past, seek the future.

by shellshocks
A Mouthwatering Birthday Malady!

Are they a birthday treat or seriously ill?

by andypopo
Neopets 23rd Birthday Word Search

Find all these Neopets 23rd Birthday Theme words!

by amylotti
Completely Smart - Chores

"It's your turn to take out the trash..."

by ms_meepit
Dinner with the Scarlets: Another Birthday

What a difference! Which one are you?

by june_scarlet
Spectacular weather forecast

"We're back with Neopian Morning News and now..."

by dysper
It's Tradition

"Looks like we get a nice, quiet holiday this year!"

by queen_potema
Life and Neopets

It's nice to be back. Happy birthday Neopets!

by woohooloolz
Stop forgetting you!

"Retrace your steps!" Collab with krowkano

by romina_r
Tiki Tiki Tavi

It’s great to be back on a special day!

by punjambi
Search the Neopian Times


"Le cadeau d’anniversaire parfait " by petitehirondelline
C’était presque le jour J. Gizmo le Harris était encore indécis et le temps qui passait le faisait angoisser toujours un peu plus. Il n’avait toujours aucune idée du présent qu’il offrirait à son maître, Pépite le Grundo Biscuit, pour son anniversaire. Cela faisait des semaines qu’il y réfléchissait et chaque fois, un mal de crâne le prenait. Il voulait à tout prix éviter le fiasco de l’an dernier. Il était sorti à la dernière minute à Neopia Central, avait fait le tour des boutiques et des kiosques, puis finalement, pris de court, il s’était décidé à lui offrir… une boîte de mouchoirs. La déception dans le regard de Pépite avait fait de la peine à Gizmo. Bien sûr, Pépite avait essayé de ne rien montrer, ne voulant pas blesser son pauvre petit Harris. "Oh, une boîte de mouchoirs," avait-t-il dit, sans grand entrain. "Elle me sera bien utile lors de mon prochain rhume! Et les motifs de nuages sur le carton sont jolis, elle fera une excellente décoration dans ma chambre. Merci bien, Gizmo."

Other Stories


A Surprising Present
"The spotted Pteri gaped as she entered the room to find her family in front of her, holding out various presents..."

by gentle_lil_queen


An Unexpected Birthday Surprise
"There wasn’t anyone here...Okay, let me rephrase that – I was here. Only me. On my birthday..."

by saqo


Y23 Goodie Bag Under Speculation
The Y23 Goodie Bags are almost upon us, let's discuss what could be inside

by mickey_a94_a39


Neopia's Ultimate Comfort Foods
"We’ve all had bad days where everything just wants to go all wrong." Collaboration with anotherblond07 and desertsessions

by ayakae


The Discovery
"Somarrah was awoken from her slumber by loud squawks and growls then a kick to the side. Her brother and cousin were playing and the sleeping Somarrah was simply another obstacle."

by 77thbigby


Geographical Guide to the Best Recipes in Every Land
"his week, Lilian and Werther are visiting lands more known for their myths and faerie tales than their physical locations. Directions? Second star to the left and straight on til morning … except you can visit these places, even outside your dreams!" Collab with cutiepie4707

by doglover3662

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