The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,224,337 Issue: 973 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y24
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Short Stories

Everyone's Neopia

"Voodle, a MSP looked at the spectacular gift bag in her hands but felt like he shouldn't have it..."

by odemus
An Unexpected Birthday Surprise

"There wasn’t anyone here...Okay, let me rephrase that – I was here. Only me. On my birthday..."

by saqo
Birthday Truce

"When the sun rises over Meridell, you never know what the day will bring. This is especially the case when you’re a Darigan Eyrie..."

by parody_ham
Leonard the Rainbow Lenny

"Leonard the Rainbow Lenny knew he was likely letting the Invisible Doglefox off with too light of a punishment..."

by jennsjoe
A Most Important Day

"Coconori had been living on her own for about two months now, and she was still feeling the euphoria. The Custard Aisha took a sip from her mug of sweet Borovan..."

by swordlilly
The Birthday Party That Got Out of Hand

"It was a sunny morning in Neopia, a day like any other. Neopets were bustling through the streets, buying food and other necessities in the busy streets of Neopia Central..." Collab with malzeno

by maryannyks
A Surprising Present

"The spotted Pteri gaped as she entered the room to find her family in front of her, holding out various presents..."

by gentle_lil_queen
Le cadeau d’anniversaire parfait

It's the story of a Harris who doesn't know what to offer to his Grundo for his birthday!

by petitehirondelline
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Neopets 23rd Birthday Interviews

The 15th of November marked the 23rd Birthday of Neopets, which meant a day full of surprises and fun events. As celebrants all over Neopia prepared for the happenings, some places and shops were busier than others. We were interested in how the anniversary turned out for our fellow habitants of Neopia, and therefore decided to send our team of reporters to visit some familiar faces and ask them about their day. We first chose to pay a visit to the Neopian Bazaar, a very popular area amongst Neopians of all ages. Here we can find the cute little Toy Shop, a store that was reported to have had some unusually large activity on the day in question. We asked the friendly Lupe behind the counter about it. Us: Thanks for having us! How was Neopets 23rd Birthday for your shop? Toy Shop Shopkeeper: Well, we were expecting a few more visitors than usual to buy some toys as gifts for their friends. However, things escalated quite quickly when thousands and thousands of visitors flooded into...

Other Stories


Neopia's Winter Wonders
For the month of Celebrating!

by i_lovee_icecream


The Baker's Guide to a Neopian Birthday
"Are you still looking for an ideal way to celebrate Neopets’ 23rd Birthday? Look no further – your answers are here!" Collaboration with preksolanx and theguy2020

by corrina404


The Royal Thief Unbound
"Home is where the heart is." Collab with breakeven

by k3l26


The Discovery
"Somarrah was awoken from her slumber by loud squawks and growls then a kick to the side. Her brother and cousin were playing and the sleeping Somarrah was simply another obstacle."

by 77thbigby


Neopies Special Edition - Neopets Birthday
Happy Neopets Birthday! Collab with 6moricehero6

by poxaleo


Ultimo 00 : Everlasting
Remember the past, seek the future.

by shellshocks

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